VE 12 completed

course PHY121

I emailed you the graphs today again because I got them back as returned mail. I am going to take the test 2 at the end of this week and the Final next week as well as finish the video experiments next week. Would this schedule allow you enough time to have my grade submitted by November 29, becuase I have to have my transcripts back to Virginia Intermont by December 2. I would be able to pick these up and take them there on December 2. I have already spoken with the registrar's office.

See my previously posted note about submitting a copy of your complete report via the form as well as via email.

If you finish everything up next week I can submit your grade before Thanksgiving, which should provide ample time. However after completing your work, you will need to email me with that request, and email me every day until you receive a confirmation from me that the grade has been submitted. Especially when a student has a deadline, I generally hand-carry the forms to collect the necessary signatures and place it on the registrar's desk myself to be sure it doesn't get lost en route.