question form


Phy 242

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Question Form_labelMessages **


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I am not sure how I am doing in the course related to time and due dates. I have viewed the Due Dates Document and see that I am a little behind, but I am starting to do assignment 0 now. This summer, I am taking differential equations (6 week course) Monday-Thursday from 11-1:30pm and I work Fridays and Saturdays until 5 or 7pm. I am not sure how much work to do per day in order to be on schedule. Do the initial activities usually take longer than the usual numbered assignments? If I fall a little behind, though, I still have 4 weeks after my 6 week course is over to spend more time on physics. What do you recommend for my situation? Also, unrelated, why should we not use Word for submitting work? Text Editor makes the copied document difficult to read as compared to Word. Thanks for your time.


There is no way to efficiently receive and review Word documents. The text format allows me to give you far more feedback and a much better review of your work.

Time requirements were mentioned in Orientation Part V.

Physics instructions have a '360 rule', which says that students will spend around 360 hours on a physics sequence. That comes to 180 hours per semester. You should plan on spending that much time. That comes to over 20 hours per week for the time remaining in the term.

The work currently posted to your page shouldn't have taken much more than a few hours, depending on whether you knew the material (which I assume a Phy 242 student would).
