test 2

If you have a string oscillating in the third harmonic and you know the length, frequency and amplitude. How do you find the equation of motion of a point that is 1 meter from the left end. and how do you find the max velocity of that point?

This is an Introductory Problem Set problem, so see also the solutions given to those problems.

This question is also addressed at the access site for phy 202 (access site 1919125) under 4/11/2006 Equation of a Standing Wave. You will find several other questions at that site which are relevant to the test, and you are also welcome to ask questions about those answers.

The equation of the wave when every point is at maximum distance from the equilibrium position is y(x) = A sin(k x). This expression gives the amplitude of motion of every point on the string.

Multiplying the amplitude of motion by sin(omega t) gives the SHM of that point on the string. Omega is the angular frequency, which is 2 pi * f.

This gives you the equation of the wave:

y(x, t) = A sin(k x) sin(omega t).

How do you find the tension in a string if the string has a mass density 8.5, a wavelength of 2.5 and propagation velocity 264.

v = sqrt(T / (m / L) ). m / L is the mass density. T is the tension. v is the propagation velocity.

You have everything you need to solve for T. You don't need the wavelength, which is not directly related to tension or propagation velocity (in a string, propagation velocity is the same for all wavelengths).

how do you find the mass density of a string if 266 peaks of a transverse traveling wave in a string is under tension of 8N that pass a given point every second and the wave propagates at 37m/s?

v = sqrt(T / (m / L) ). m / L is the mass density. T is the tension. v is the propagation velocity.

You can solve this equation for m / L in terms of v and T.

I might have some more questions about the test because I had to miss some of the classes and I dont undertand some the concepts of waves but I am going to go over the chapters again.