course Mth 163
18:39:46 query predictions Sketch your graph representing the predicted height of the low end vs. the weight on the spring.
RESPONSE --> The graph is very close to being linear. It is possible if the graph is stretched to far it will lose its originality.
18:39:57 STUDENT RESPONSE: I predict that the spring will stretch at a greater rate as the weight is added. In my experience, springs lose their strength as they are stretched, and will not go back to their original shape. INSTRUCTOR COMMENT: ** Within their range of elasticity the graph is very nearly linear. If stretched too far the spring will lose its permanent elastic properties and will then deviate from linearity **
18:40:33 comment on how the actual graph of the data compared with your prediction
RESPONSE --> the graphed confirmed my prediction
18:40:38 ** If you predicted a linear graph then did the actual graph confirm this? If you predicted a curvature did the actual graph confirm this? **
18:41:12 query linked outline discuss your experience with the Linked Outline. Did you find it helpful?
RESPONSE --> It was very helpful. It made things very clear and easy to follow.
18:41:16 ** Many students find the Linked Outline very helpful. **
18:42:09 Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.
RESPONSE --> Making graphs and comparing them to others is a new experience to me prior to this class. I find it interesting and helpful.