course Phy 121
Task: `q001. Go to the page and click on your course (Phy 1 must also click on one additional link entitled Physics I Homepage). Describe what you see there.Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line):
I see the Physics I homepage, where you can find the Info, Assts, Overviews, Prob Sets, Expts, Lectures, Simulations, Q&A, and Tests.
Task: `q002. Click on Assts or Assignments (unless assignments appear by date when you scroll down the page, as will be the case for Liberal Arts Mathematics classes), then on Due Dates, and describe what you see there. Note due dates are updated by the first day of classes; until this update the Due Dates will be for the preceding semester.
Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line):
For each week I see the assignments that are due for that week.
Task: `q003. Return to Assts, take a quick look down the page, and describe what you see. It is recommended that you bookmark this page in your browser (e.g., add it to Favorites) so you can access it easily and quickly.
There might well be things you don't understand about the Assignments page. You will get more specific information later to help you read and understand this page. Briefly describe what you do and do not understand about this page.
Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line):
On this page I see where it describes each assignment that we have to do. I understood this page clearly.
Task: `q004. Click on Info and locate the syllabus or course of study for your course (Liberal Arts Mathematics students click on Course of Study, near the top of your page). Read it and acknowledge that you have been able to find the syllabus and know how to locate it: Note that you should re-read the syllabus or course of study on or shortly after the first day of class, to be sure you have read the document that will apply to the term in which you are taking the course.
Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line):
The syllabus informed me of what I will be studying in this class and the goals that are to be reached in this class.
Task: `q005. Return to the page and once more click on the page for your course. Add this page to your bookmarks (e.g., in Internet Explorer, add to Favorites), and acknowledge in your response that you have done so.
Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line):
I saved the website as Physics 1 in my favorites.
Task: `q006. On the page, click on Blackboard, and sign in using the same username and password you use to access the registration system. When the Blackboard screen comes up you should find a 'course' entitled 'Supervised Study Current Semester'. Click on this 'course' and give a brief description of what you see. You need not read all the information that appears, just take a quick look and give a line or two of description.
Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line):
On this page I see different tabs that I can click on, for example course information, course documents, assignments, etc.
Task: `q007. We might use various features of this Blackboard page, but the course is not delivered using Blackboard. Blackboard has a number of very good features, but it is of necessity a 'closed' system and not sufficiently flexible or efficient to be the primary vehicle. The one feature we are sure to be using is the Grade Center, where you can check your grades on tests and my comments. Locate the tab for the Grade Center and click on it. Describe what you see.
Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line):
I see under the Item Name the different quizzes and tests that are due and the grade for them and how many points it was out of. It also shows the total amount of points possible.
Task: `q008. You need not look at any more of this page, but you are welcome to do so if you choose, and you may ask any questions you wish in your response. If you have no questions, or do not feel the need to further explore this page, just respond with 'ok' or something of that nature.
Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line):
Good responses. See my notes and let me know if you have questions.