Phy 121
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I'm working on the Rubber Band Calibration lab in assignment 6. On this part of the assignment In the second line indicate the distance in actual centimeters between the ends, to an estimated precision of .01 cm..
In the third line explain how you obtained the numbers in the second line, and what the meaning of those numbers is. Also indicate how this rubber band is marked, and the limits within which you think your measurement is accurate (e.g., +- .03 cm, indicating that you believe the actual measurement to be between .03 cm less and .03 cm greater than the reported result). ??Are we suppose to measure for example rubber band number 1, from the top of the rubber band to the end of the rubber band. Because I get about 10 cm for each of the rubber bands.??
You don't say how much weight each rubber band is supporting, and 10 cm is a little longer than most reports (ranges from 7.5 cm to 9.5 cm are more commonly reported); however it's not out of the question, depending on which rubber bands you used and how much weight is being supported.