Phy 202
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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The Assignments on the website list certain problems from the text, but do not say whether we need to submit them as part of the assignment.
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Other parts of each assignment either indicate to submit work via the Submit Work Form, or they include a link for a specific form to use for that piece (e.g., the labs).
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Are we supposed to submit the textbook problems as part of the assignment via the Submit Work Form, or are they homework for us to work out to help us master the material, but is not included as part of our grade? If we are to submit the textbook problems, I assume we should start by restating the problem in the textbook?
You are only required to submit the Query and the labs.
If you have a question on a problem not included in the Query, you are welcome to submit it using the Submit Question Form.