course Mth 151 p?????????{?????assignment #002002. `Query 2
17:44:21 2.2.24 U={a,b,...,g}, A={a,e}, B={a,b,e,f,g}, C={b,f,g}, D={d,e} Is C ps U? Is the statement true or false and why?
RESPONSE --> True and because every letter that is in C is in U as well confidence assessment: 3
17:44:30 ** It's true because all elements of C are in the universal set, and because there are elements of U that aren't in C. You have to have both conditions, since a proper subset cannot be identical to other set. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment: 3
17:48:52 Query 2.2.30 phi s D
RESPONSE --> True because every element in the empty subset (none) are in the set D confidence assessment: 2
17:49:46 ** Note that You should be responding to problem 2.2.30 from the homework you worked out on paper. The shorthand notation is for my reference and won't always make sense to you. For clarification, though, the symbol for the empty set is the Greek letter phi. One set is a subset of another if every element of that set is in the other. To show that a set isn't a subset of another you have to show something in that set that isn't in the other. There's nothing in the empty set so you can never do this--you can never show that it has something the other set doesn't. So you can never say that the empty set isn't a subset of another set. Thus the empty set is a subset of any given set, and in particular it's a subset of D. ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: As the text tells you, the empty set is a subset of every set. ANOTHER ALTERNATIVE Every element of the empty set is in D because there is no element in the empty set available to lie outside of D. ONE MORE ALTERNATIVE: The empty set is a subset of every set. Any element in an empty set is in any set, since there's nothing in the empty set to contradict that statement. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment: 3
17:51:00 2.2.33 D not s B Is the statement true or false and why?
RESPONSE --> True because the letter d is in set D and not in set B confidence assessment: 3
17:51:19 ** D is a subset of B if every element of D is an element of B-i.e., if D doesn't contain anything that B doesn't also contain. The statement says that D is not a subset of B. This will be so if D contains at least one element that B doesn't. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment: 3
17:52:55 2.2.36 there are exactly 31 subsets of B
RESPONSE --> False, there are 32, not 31 subsets (you get this by figuring out what 2 to the fifth power is) confidence assessment: 3
17:53:45 ** If a set has n elements then is has 2^n subsets, all but one of which are proper subsets. B has 5 elements so it has 2^5 = 32 subsets. So the statement is false. There are exactly 31 proper subsets of B, but there are 32 subsets of B. **
RESPONSE --> I may have put true instead of false, however, I knew the right answer. I'm just tired so put down true. self critique assessment: 3
17:57:22 Query 2.2.40 there are exactly 127 proper subsets of U Is the statement true or false and why?
RESPONSE --> True, because 2 to the seventh power is 128 and to find the proper subset number you subtract one so the answer is 127 confidence assessment: 3
17:57:52 ** The set is not a proper subset of itself, and the set itself is contained in the 2^n = 2^7 = 128 subsets of this 7-element set. This leaves 128-1 = 127 proper subsets. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment: 3
18:02:34 Query 2.2.48 U={1,2,...,10}, complement of {2,5,7,9,10} What is the complement of the given set?
RESPONSE --> This doesn't have the correct question on here. However, the answer from the question in the book is 4 for the number of subsets and 3 for the number of proper subsets. 2 to the second power is 4 for the number for subsets and you subtract one to get the number of proper subsets confidence assessment: 2
18:02:41 ** the complement is {1,3,4,6,8}, the set of all elements in U that aren't in the given set. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment: 3
18:07:09 query 2.2.63 in how many ways can 3 of the five people A, B, C, D, E gather in a suite?
RESPONSE --> {A,B,C},{A,B,D},{A,B,E},{A,C,D},{A,C,E},{A,D,E},{B,C,D},{B,C,E},{B,D,E},{C,D,E} confidence assessment: 3
18:07:23 ** The answer here would consist of a list of all 3-element subsets: {a,b,c}, {a,b,d}, {a,b,e}, {a,c,d} etc. There are ten such subsets. Using a,b,c,d,e to stand for the names, we can list them in alphabetical order: {a,b,c), {a,b,d}, {a,b,e}, {a,c,d}, {a,c,e}, {a,d,e|, {b,c,d}, {b,c,e}, {b,d,e}, {c, d, e}**
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment: 3