Rubber Band Experiment


course Phy 201

Here is the experiment we did in class that we had to report the homework that is due tommorrow is some to follow.

Physics 201 in-class experiment:Report your data. For this experiment data consist of the x and y coordinates of the three rubber bands, and the lengths of your colored calibrating rubber bands when attached to the end of each of the three:


6 points- (18.5, 37), (44, 42.5), (53.5, 24), (54, 23.2), (57, 21.5), (81, 8.5)

Calborated rubber bands- 32.8, 33, 28


Explain what your data mean:


Between the calborated colored rubber bands and the rubber band system used to get the coordinates, the color still had to use some force when being pulled back from the point on the paper clip


This data report should be copied and submitted separately, as soon as possible.

The next part should be submitted by Monday. We will take a little time Wednesday to talk about these instructions.

Your next step will be to sketch a y vs. x graph depicting the six points you observed, with line segments between each pair of points to represent the three rubber band chains.

Having sketched the graph you should find the 'rise' and 'run' of each rubber band chain, then use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of each.

You will then be asked to report the length of each rubber band chain vs. the length of your colored calibrating rubber bands.

You can report this at any time between now and next Monday.

First give a table of chain length vs. length of colored chain:


rubber band- 26.1,.62, 27.3

color rubber band- 32.8 cm, 33 cm, 28 cm


Briefly explain how you got the length of one of the three chains, based on its x and y coordinates. Pick a chain which has nonzero x and y components.


I picked two points on the system and subtracted x and y coordinates and used pythagorean theorem and plugged in the x and y for the legs to find the length of the other side.



@& This looks good so far.*@