question form

Mth 272

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Test confusion....

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Professor Smith,

I am still confused about what to do with/when to take the test. In the assignments link it says to do take the test before attempting assignment 5/6, but then on the due dates link it appears to imply that the first test is to be taken after assignments 0-6 have been sent in. I am confused. I have not yet turned in assignment 5 or 6, but I have also not yet made arrangements in Harrisonburg, VA for me to take the test. I am also unsure of the format of the test. Is there any way to get some kind of idea what it will be like? Similar to the homework? And how many questions? Thanks.

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Assignments 5-6 are assigned for the same week, so on the Due Dates page that week's assignments must be included under the heading of assignments that include test 1.

Test 1 can be taken anytime after you have completed the material in Chapter 4. For your own sake it should be completed within about a week after completing that material. However if it's not taken until week after you complete Assignment 6, that is not a problem for me. There is ample flexibility in testing dates.