course Mth 272 žþ»¹¥ãwêùærv•šEˆ]šûpÚÂ×Äassignment #029
14:15:04 What is the slope in the x direction at the given point? Describe specifically how you obtained your result.
RESPONSE --> z= x^2 - y^2 hold ""y constant, differentiate x f(x,y) = 2x f(-2,1)= -4 . confidence assessment: 3
14:15:47 What is the slope in the y direction at the given point? Describe specifically how you obtained your result.
RESPONSE --> hold ""x"" constant, differentiate y f(x,y)= -2y f(-2,1)= -2 confidence assessment: 3
14:16:45 Query problem 7.4.65 (was 7.4.61) all second partials of ln(x-y) at (2,1)
RESPONSE --> ln (x-y) ln(x)-ln(y) confidence assessment: 3
14:17:41 What is fxx at the given point?
RESPONSE --> 1- ln(y) 1-ln(1)= 1 confidence assessment: 2
14:18:39 What is fyx at the given point?
RESPONSE --> ln(x)- 1/y 1- 1/1= 0 confidence assessment: 2
14:19:22 What is fxy at the given point?
RESPONSE --> 1/x - 1 = 1/2 - 1 = -0.5 confidence assessment: 2
14:19:46 What is fyy at the given point?
RESPONSE --> ln (2)- 1/1 = -0.31 confidence assessment: 2
14:20:08 What is fx at the given point?
RESPONSE --> 1/x - ln(X) confidence assessment: 3
14:20:27 What is fy at the given point?
RESPONSE --> LN(X)- 1/Y confidence assessment: 3
14:20:43 Query problem 7.4.68 R = 200 x1 + 200 x2 - 4x1^2 - 8 x1 x2 - 4 x2^2; R is revenue, x1 and x2 production of plant 1 and plant 2
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
14:21:25 What is the marginal revenue for plant 1?
RESPONSE --> r= 200 + 200X2 - 8X1 - 8X2 -4X2^2' R= 1896 confidence assessment: 3
14:22:01 What is the marginal revenue for plant 2?
RESPONSE --> 200x1 + 200 - 4x1^2 - 8x1 - 8x2 R= 808 confidence assessment: 3
14:22:46 Why should the marginal revenue for plant 1 be the partial derivative of R with respect to x1?
RESPONSE --> x1 corresponds to plant 1. to find its revenue it is necessary to leave x2 alone and find the derivative of all x1 parts confidence assessment: 3
14:23:36 Why, in real-world terms, might the marginal revenue for each plant depend upon the production of the other plant?
RESPONSE --> Because both plants produce the dsame medicine, if one plant is earning more revenue than thew other, it would make sense to produce more of the most profitable plant. confidence assessment: 3
14:24:18 What is is about the function that ensures that the marginal revenue for each plant will depend on the production of both plants?
RESPONSE --> The function contains both variables, so no matter what plant you're trying to find the marginal revenue fore, the answer depends on both values. confidence assessment: 3