question form


PHY 241

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** Question Form_labelMessages **

How to complete assignments?

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I do not know how to access the web page that describes how to complete assignmetns. There are several links in the left-hand menu frame of the course Homepage ( that do not seem to work. These are the menu items that contain a hashtag (#).

For instance, task q006 of the initial assignments tells me to Be sure you locate and take a quick look at the instructions for completing assignments. However, when I click on the How to Complete Assignments link (that should take me to - it simply deletes the right-hand side frame and expands the left-hand side menu into the now-vacant browser real estate.

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How can I find the How to Complete Assignments page - is there an alternate route to the page other than from the menu frame of the Homepage?


Hopefully you saw my email.

For the moment, until I can make some necessary changes to the Phy 241 page, you can use the page

The apparent link to the Complete Assignments page does not appear to work, but the information is under the Complete Assignments heading just a short ways below that link, on the Assignments Page itself.
