Phy 121
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Question Form_labelMessages **
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I believe that at this point I have fully completed the initial activities and all the parts of assingnments 00, 01 and 02 which are due on 9/12/12.
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Just to ease the concerns of an overly cautious student, can you confirm that I have indeed completed everything that is required by the 9/12 due date?
Also, when will grades start to post on blackboard? I am eager to see how I'm scoring so far.
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Thank you for your time, patience and feedback.
Any score I would post on Blackboard would be potentially misleading. The first posted score will be the Major Quiz.
However I can tell you that your scores on your labs and portfolio work are both 100% at this point.
If have everything through Assignment 2. I also have your qa from Assignment 3.