assignment 1

course Mth 173

I?????i???|????assignment #001

001. Depth vs. Clock Time and Rate of Depth Change




`questionNumber 10000

`qNote that there are four questions in this assignment.

`q001. If your stocks are worth $5000 in mid-March, $5300 in mid-July and $5500 in mid-December, during which period, March-July or July-December was your money growing faster?



There was an increase of 300 dollars during the first period, and an increase of 200 dollars in the second period, noticing that the second period was longer the increase was faster in the March-July period.

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q002. What were the precise average rates of change during these two periods?



The rate of change during the first period was $75 per month, and the rate of increase during the second period was $40 per month.

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q003. If the water in a uniform cylinder is leaking from a hole in the bottom, and if the water depths at clock times t = 10, 40 and 90 seconds are respectively 80 cm, 40 cm and 20 cm, is the depth of the water changing more quickly or less quickly, on the average, between t = 10 sec and t = 40 sec, or between t = 40 sec and t = 90 sec?



the water was draining significantly faster during the 10-40 second period

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q004. How are the two preceding questions actually different versions of the same question? How it is the mathematical reasoning the same in both cases?



they are both questions about rate of change, and you take the change and divide it by the amount of time in both cases.

confidence assessment: 3


Your answers are fine. You clearly understand this. The time will come when it's necessary for you to explain more of your reasoning, and also to self-critique your answers. So be sure to see the following two notes:

&#To run the program correctly you click on the Next Question/Solution button (top left), enter your response in the Answer box (the box at top right), click on the Enter Response button (above the top right box), then again on the Next Question/Solution botton (top left) to see the solution, and finally enter your response or self-critique in the Answer box and click on Enter Response.

You then start the process over with the next question, clicking on the Next Question/Solution button at top left, etc.


&#It is recommended that you periodically review the document on responses and self-critiques located at, which is relevant to your responses and self-critiques on this exercise. &#