question form


MTH 272

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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I am requesting that you send the required materials for the all of the tests for this course to the LFCC Testing Center. I made this request two weeks and received no response and my testing center never received the materials. I have tried contacting you via the forms, email, and phone. I have yet to receive any type of response.

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Form Confirmation

Thank you for submitting the following information:

yourCourse: MTH 272

Contact_FirstName: Tyler

Contact_LastName: Shenk


Your optional message or comment:

I am requesting that you send the required materials for the all of the tests for this course to the LFCC Testing Center. I made this request last week and received no response and my testing center never received the materials.

Please verify in the box below that you have contacted your proctor or testing center:

I have contacted my testing center.

The location of the proposed testing site (the institution and the facility within the institution, e.g., VHCC Learning Lab):

Lord Fairfax Community College Middletown Testing Center

The name (and title, if applicable) of the contact person:

Suzanne Park, Testing Center Manager Testing

Please give the appropriate email address(es) in the box below.


Phone Number: 540-868-7140

self-critique #$&*

#$&* self-critique

self-critique rating

rating #$&*:

@& The information was sent to the address you indicated on the proctor form, on June 18.

I've forwarded a copy to the same address.

Check again and let me know if they don't have it.*@

@& If the message needs to be sent to another address please let me know, and complete the form using that address.*@