course Phy 201 I have not yet finished the graphing section. I will get it to you tomorrow.
14:42:34 `q001. Part 1 includes six activities. If you have completed an activity, just enter the answer 'completed'. This question is appearing in the Question box. The box to the right is the Answer box, where you will type in your answers to the questions posed here. To use this program you read a question, then enter your answer in the Answer box and click on Enter Answer. In your answers give what is requested, but don't go into excruciating detail. Try to give just enough that the instructor can tell that you understand an item. After entering an answer click on Next Question/Answer above the Question box. Do you understand these instructions?
14:46:20 This program has created the folder c:\vhmthphy on your hard drive. Browse to that folder and locate the file whose name begins with SEND. The name of this file will also include your name, as you gave it to the program, and the file will show as a Text file. Never tamper with a SEND file in any way. It contains internal codes as if these codes are tampered with you won't get credit for the assignment. However you are welcome to copy this file to another location and view it, make changes, etc. Just be sure that when requested to do so you send the instructor the original, tamper-free file. State in the Answer box whether or not you have been able to locate the SEND file. Don't send the SEND file yet. Note that more questions/instructions remain in the q_a_prelim.
14:48:47 `q002. Note that every time you click on Enter Answer the program writes your response to your SEND file. Even if the program disappears all the information you have entered with the Enter Answer button will remain in that file. This program never 'unwrites' anything. Even if this program crashes your information will still be there in the SEND file. Explain this in your own words.
RESPONSE --> Everything that I write will stay in the SEND file no matter what. The program will not unwrite anything.
14:55:08 Any time you do not receive a reply from the instructor by the end of the following day, you should resubmit your work using the Resubmit Form at You have already seen that page, but take another look at that page and be sure you see the Submit Work form, the Resubmit Form and a number of other forms that will be explained later. Enter a sentence or two describing the related links you see at that location.
RESPONSE --> I can locate the submit work form but I do not see a Resubmit work form. I see a ""submit work form"", a ""test take form"", ""request access code,"" ""class work submission form,"" and a couple of other links.
14:55:57 `q003. If you are working on a VHCC computer, it is probably set up in such a way as to return to its original configuration when it is rebooted. To avoid losing information it is suggested that you back up your work frequently, either by emailing yourself a copy or by using a key drive or other device. This is a good idea on any computer. Please indicate your understanding of this suggestion.
RESPONSE --> I understand that it is a good idea for me to back up my work.
15:01:52 Once more, locate the SEND file in your c:\vhmthphy folder, and open the file. Copy its contents to the clipboard (this is a common operation, but in case you don't know how, just use CTRL-A to highlight the contents of the file and CTRL-C to copy the contents to the clipboard). Then return to the form that instructed you to run this program, and paste the contents into the indicated box (just right-click in the box and select Paste). You may now click on the Quit button, or simply close the program.
RESPONSE --> I dont know what it means to copy the information to the clipboard
xއC Student Name: assignment #006 006. Physics w̕IٻQmv Student Name: assignment #006 006. Physics ~{OՒzݚӍ} Student Name: assignment #005 005. Calculus hݚҹlՓ Student Name: assignment #006 006. Physics
17:59:47 `q001. There are two parts to this problem. Reason them out using common sense. If the speed of an automobile changes by 2 mph every second, then how long will it take the speedometer to move from the 20 mph mark to the 30 mph mark? Given the same rate of change of speed, if the speedometer initially reads 10 mph, what will it read 7 seconds later?
RESPONSE --> It will take 5 seconds for the speedometer to reach 30mph fro 20mph if it changes by 2mph every second. If the speedometer initially reads 10mph, it will read 24mph 7 seconds later if the speed changes by 2mph every second.
18:01:37 It will take 5 seconds to complete the change. 30 mph - 20 mph = 10 mph change at 2 mph per second (i.e., 2 mph every second) implies 5 seconds to go from 20 mph to 30 mph Change in speed is 2 mph/second * 7 seconds = 14 mph Add this to the initial 10 mph and the speedometer now reads 24 mph.
18:10:49 `q002. An automobile traveling down a hill passes a certain milepost traveling at a speed of 10 mph, and proceeds to coast to a certain lamppost further down the hill, with its speed increasing by 2 mph every second. The time required to reach the lamppost is 10 seconds. It then repeats the process, this time passing the milepost at a speed of 20 mph. Will the vehicle require more or less than 10 seconds to reach the lamppost? Since its initial speed was 10 mph greater than before, does it follow that its speed at the lamppost will be 10 mph greater than before?
RESPONSE --> The vehicle will require less than 10 seconds to reach the lamppost because it is going faster. No, because it will not tke as many seconds to reach the lamppost.
ߴȠԔHۍ Student Name: assignment #006 006. Physics TҨH˵Ŗw Student Name: assignment #006 006. Physics
18:18:48 `q001. There are two parts to this problem. Reason them out using common sense. If the speed of an automobile changes by 2 mph every second, then how long will it take the speedometer to move from the 20 mph mark to the 30 mph mark? Given the same rate of change of speed, if the speedometer initially reads 10 mph, what will it read 7 seconds later?