Phy 202
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Question Form_labelMessages **
question re 'qa' vs 'query'
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In Orientation Part IIb (orientation_part_ii_b.htm), you mention an initial set of questions intended to be completed before I do any labs, textbook reading, or problem sets. These are intended to (as I put it in my Response 003) cognitively prime[] one's faculties of recollection and principle application by bringing the proper facts and mental processes to the forefront of one's attention.
The Query should be done at the end of the assignment.
The reference to qa questions in IIb was in error. If you find that you need such questions I can provide them, but between the Introductory Problem Sets and other materials I haven't found that such questions are necessary for the second-semester course.
My recommendation is that you begin an assignment by mastering the Introductory Problem Set questions (which are assigned for most but not all assignments). These aren't to be submitted, but of course if you have questions about them they are welcome.
In your question response 06-24-2012_____question_form, you mention that the qa questions at the second-from-left column of the Brief Assignments Grid no longer exist. I am wondering what questions are taking their place and, specifically, whether the query_[number] question sets are meant to take their place. The Query questions appear to be of that type, but the fact that their column is all the way to the right (i.e., after the lab, problem set, and class notes per usual reading order) gives me some doubts about whether they are in fact the questions that I am to ask myself first.
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What I do understand about the situation:
- The fact (per Orientation IIb) that before I do anything else on an Assignment, I am to ask myself and attempt to answer a series of questions designed to get my mind on the right track for the Assignment in question
What I do not understand about the situation:
- What those questions are and, specifically, whether the query_[number] question sets are the ones you had in mind for that
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??? Are the Query questions the ones that, per Orientation IIb, I am supposed to ask myself and attempt to answer before attempting the rest of a given Assignment? ???
Let me know if my inserted responses don't answer your questions.