course phy 121
The time between release and the first 'hit', as best determined by your data, is the average of the observed times, which you reported as .322 sec
.332 sec
.305 sec
.281 sec
.348 sec
.328 sec
.365 sec
.350 sec
You reported times between alternate subsequent 'hits' as
.445, .532
.515, .459
.531, .535
.541, .420
.511, .517
.518, .484
.532, .539
.450, .482
You would average these times to determine your best estimate of the time between alternate subsequent 'hits'.
.445 s - .322 s is just the difference between your first observation of the time between release and second 'hit', and the time between second and fourth 'hit'. This difference has no significance for this experiment, being based on just one observation of each interval. The difference between the two intervals is not particularly important either.
The two questions here are
how long does it take the pendulum to 'hit' the second time after being released
&&&&0.332-0.322=0.01 seconds between the first and second hit&&&&
When the bead is released, it takes over .3 seconds to hit the bracket twice. This is the interval you measured. No motion of the pendulum corresponded to the difference between .322 and .322.
how long does it take between alternate subsequent 'hits'.
For the first number I averaged the first numbers then for the second number I averaged the second numbers.&&&&&&
Please submit a copy of just this note with your answers to those questions."
Self-critique (if necessary):
Self-critique rating:
.505 appears to be a good average of the numbers in the first column, and .496 appears to be a reasonable average of the numbers in the second column.
Given the standard deviation of your measurements, there is probably no statistical difference between the .505 and .496. So it is reasonable to average all the numbers. That average will be very close to .500.
We conclude that the time between alternate subsequent 'hits' is about .500 seconds, probably give or take .010 second or so.
It looks like the time between release and second 'hit' averages out to about .34 second.
You would therefore conclude that the time between release and the second 'hit' is less than that between alternate subsequent 'hits'.
This is consistent with your conclusion that it takes three 'intervals' from release to second 'hit', and four 'intervals' between alternate subsequent 'hits'.
Be sure you understand this. Submit a question form if it isn't completely clear.