Your 'ball down ramp' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Your general comment **
** Will a steeper ramp give greater or lesser time? **
the time for a ball to roll down the steepest ramp will be the shortest time because of acceleration due to slope of the ramp.
** As slopes increases will time intervals increase, decrease or show no pattern? **
the pattern would be slow fast fastest.
** Your report of 5 trials each way for 1 domino **
10.52,11.71 1.19
8.07,8.75 .68
9.42,10.34 .92
2.88,3.86 .98
2.68,3.79 1.11
3.86,4.98 1.12
2.65,3.73 1.08
2.38,3.5 1.12
2.48,3.70 1.22
3.11,4.40 1.29
** Your report of 5 trials each way for 2 dominoes **
i was thinking on how to get the same release every time so the experiment would be accurate and not to rely on the noise of the ball hitting but to look and see it hit.
This is a good thing to think about.
Most people are more likely to make an error by anticipating (or overcompensating for anticipation of) a visual event than a sudden auditory event, especially when the auditory event is difficult to anticipate. However errors can be made both ways, and there is variation in the way different people process auditory vs. visual data.
** Your report of 5 trials each way for 3 dominoes **
** Do your results support or fail to support your hypothesis about increasing or decreasing times? **
my results support my hypotheses the steeper the slope the faster the ball traveled.
** How do you think ave velocity is related to slope? **
the average velocity increase at the slope increases making the ball travel faster down a steeper slope.
** Speculate on why ave velocity changes with slope. **
closer the angle is to 90 degrees the velocity becomes higher
** How could you test your speculations? **
the times that i recored prove that the hypothesis that i initially proposed was correct
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45 minutes
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Good responses. See my notes and let me know if you have questions.