Open Query 8


course Mth 163


Self-critique (if necessary):


Self-critique Rating:


Question: `qWere you able to complete the DERIVE exercise?


Self-critique (if necessary): I was able to complete the derive exercise up until the point at which we were given the formula for telling derive how to fit a quadratic function, I entered into the box FIT( [x,ax²+bx+c], #**) with the appropriate set of the matrix replacing the astricks. I can’t copy over what it gave me legibly, but it said FIT(x, ax^2 +b*x+c) followed by the matrix set. I clicked on simplfy, approximate and it gave me a similar depiction but the function read [x, x•(a•² + b) + c].When I tried to plot either expression it said there were too many variables.


If you used the expression ax² you would not get a meaningful output. DERIVE won't recognize ² as an exponent and treats it as a variable.

I don't have simple access to the document right now, so I don't know whether that character came from the document itself or elsewhere. In any case

FIT( [x,ax^2+bx+c], #**)

would produce the desired output.



Self-critique Rating:


Question: `qDid you understand everything in the DERIVE exercise?


Self-critique (if necessary): The concepts are clear but some of the workings of the program I’ve had trouble with, mentioned above.


Self-critique Rating:


Question: `qDo you have any questions about the DERIVE exercise?

How do I take the “FIT” expression and get derive to give me a function for the data sets? Simplify, approximate, doesn’t give me a quadratic function and the program won’t let me plot this data. Also, the only version of Derive I could find is a 30 day trial version, and the pirated version was in Spanish and contained a Trojan. I cannot locate a previous version either, since this program will be very useful to me in the future, do you know of a way of acquiring a free previous version? Derive 6.1 is all I could find for download.




DERIVE is on the computers in the Learning Center.

There is very little difference between Derive 5 and Derive 6.

DERIVE has morphed into TINSPIRE, a Texas Instruments product. However there is no free version, and I wouldn't recommend spending the money on it.

The main purpose of the DERIVE exercise is to give you some hands-on experience with computer algebra software. In your curriculum you will likely need a computer algebra system at some point, but it's unlikely it will be DERIVE or TINSPIRE.
