Text Ass 25

course mth 151

Text Assign. 2.5


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3) A

5) F

6) E

9) (a,a), (d,n), (i,s), (t,w), (o,e), (n,r)

10) (Nancy, Reagan), (Hillary, Clinton), (Laura, Bush)

12) 10

15) aleph-null

16) 13

18) c

20) 3

24) a) 3

b) a,b,c/c,b,a

there are six possible correspondences (see the qa for another example of 1-1 correspondences between two 3-element sets)

25) both

27) equivalent

30) equivalent The cardinality of the rationals is aleph-null; the cardinality of the reals is c. The two sets are not equivalent. The reals are not countable.

33) worked on paper

35) worked on paper

36) worken on paper

39) not always true

40) always true

42) worked on paper

45) worked on paper

48) worked on paper

50) though they are all real numbers, they cannot be countable because they show no specific pattern


Good overall. See my notes on a couple of problems and let me know if you have questions.
