course Mth 151
Text Assign. 3.3
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3) If it is Lorri Morgan then she will visit Hawaii every summer
5) If it is a picture then it tells a story
6) If they are marines then they love boot camp
9) If he is running bear then he loves Little White Dove
10) If it cannot have self command then it is an opium-eater
The statement is of the for 'a p is a q', which is translated as 'if p then q'. Your translation would be 'if q then p', which does not correspond to the original statement.
12) true
15) false
18) true
20) because the statement is telling us that if and then. We have to believe that
then only way for 'if p then q' to be false if for p to be true and q false. In this case p is false, so the statement does not fit the criterion for a false statement. We conclude that the statement is therefore true.
Any time p is false, the statement 'if p then q' is true.
21) true
24) true
25) true
27) if they don? raise monkeys, then he trains ponies
30) if she has a snake and he trains ponies, then they raise monkeys
33) r->b
35) ?( b->r)
36) p -> - r
39) ?r -> b
40) p -> r
42) true
45) true
48) true
50) true
51) true
54) -p -> r ^ -q -> r
55) TTTF
57) TTFT
60) TTTF this one is a tautology and is never false
65) TTTTTTTTTTTTTTFT For this statement to be false p and q would both have to be false, s true and r false. If that's the meaning of your string of truth values, then you are correct.
the above are not well-defined truth tables, which would include headings and rows for every possible set of truth values.
66) 1
69) p ^ - q
70) if you say I do then you won? be happy the rest of your life
72) if not loving you is wrong the I don? want to be right
Neither of your answers on #70 and #72 is correct. An if-then statement is equivalent to an 'or' statement (p -> q means `p v q), which is then negated by an 'and' statement (the negation of ~p v q is p ^ ~q).
75) she doesn? or he will
78) at one time, women were girls
the statement has to be translated to an if-then statement, which then translates to a disjunction (see my preceding note)
80) not =
81) =
84) =
85) not =
87) simplifies to p
90) simplifies to p ^ q or q
93) on paper
95) on paper
96) on paper
99) on paper
100) on paper
I've given you feedback on the problems where there was enough information to do so. Be sure to see my notes and let me know if you have questions.