
course Mth 272


ː헑G}|ߙxQassignment #001

Your work has been received. Please scroll through the document to see any inserted notes (inserted at the appropriate place in the document, in boldface) and a note at the end. The note at the end of the file will confirm that the file has been reviewed; be sure to read that note. If there is no note at the end, notify the instructor through the Submit Work form, and include the date of the posting to your access page.

001. Only assignment: prelim asst

qa prelim



`questionNumber 10001

`q001. Part 1 includes six activities. If you have completed an activity, just enter the answer 'completed'.

This question is appearing in the Question box. The box to the right is the Answer box, where you will type in your answers to the questions posed here.

To use this program you read a question, then enter your answer in the Answer box and click on Enter Answer. In your answers give what is requested, but don't go into excruciating detail. Try to give just enough that the instructor can tell that you understand an item.

After entering an answer click on Next Question/Answer above the Question box.

Do you understand these instructions?







`questionNumber 10001

This program has created the folder c:\vhmthphy on your hard drive.

Browse to that folder and locate the file whose name begins with SEND. The name of this file will also include your name, as you gave it to the program, and the file will show as a Text file.

Never tamper with a SEND file in any way. It contains internal codes as if these codes are tampered with you won't get credit for the assignment. However you are welcome to copy this file to another location and view it, make changes, etc. Just be sure that when requested to do so you send the instructor the original, tamper-free file.

State in the Answer box whether or not you have been able to locate the SEND file. Don't send the SEND file yet. Note that more questions/instructions remain in the q_a_prelim.



I have located the SEND file.




`questionNumber 10002

`q002. Note that every time you click on Enter Answer the program writes your response to your SEND file. Even if the program disappears all the information you have entered with the Enter Answer button will remain in that file. This program never 'unwrites' anything. Even if this program crashes your information will still be there in the SEND file. Explain this in your own words.



The program never erases information. If the program crashes my information will still be in the SEND file.




`questionNumber 10002

Any time the instructor does not post a response to your access site by the end of the following day, you should resubmit your work using the Submit Work form, and be sure at the beginning to indicate that you are resubmitting, and also indicate the date on which you originally submitted your work.

If you don't know where your access site is or how to access it, go to

http://www.vhcc.edu/dsmith/_vti_bin/shtml.dll/request_access_code.htm and request one now. You can submit the q_a_prelim without your access code, but other assignments should contain your code.







`questionNumber 10003

`q003. If you are working on a VHCC computer, it is probably set up in such a way as to return to its original configuration when it is rebooted. To avoid losing information it is suggested that you back up your work frequently, either by emailing yourself a copy or by using a key drive or other device. This is a good idea on any computer. Please indicate your understanding of this suggestion.



I should backup my information by either emailing it to myself or by using an external storage device.



assignment #001

001. typewriter notation

qa initial problems




`questionNumber 10000

`q001. Explain the difference between x - 2 / x + 4 and (x - 2) / (x + 4). The evaluate each expression for x = 2.



The difference is that in the first equation only the two is being divided by X. The equation is subtracting (2/X) from X. In the second equation (X-2) is being divided by (X+4).

First equation: 2-(2/2)+4= 5

Second equation: (2-2)/(2+4)= 0

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q001. Explain the difference between x - 2 / x + 4 and (x - 2) / (x + 4). The evaluate each expression for x = 2.



confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

`q001. Explain the difference between x - 2 / x + 4 and (x - 2) / (x + 4). The evaluate each expression for x = 2.



confidence assessment:




`questionNumber 10000

The order of operations dictates that grouped expressions must be evaluated first, that exponentiation must be done before multiplication or division, which must be done before addition or subtraction.

It makes a big difference whether you subtract the 2 from the x or divide the -2 by 4 first. If there are no parentheses you have to divide before you subtract. Substituting 2 for x we get

2 - 2 / 2 + 4

= 2 - 1 + 4 (do multiplications and divisions before additions and subtractions)

= 5 (add and subtract in indicated order)

If there are parentheses you evaluate the grouped expressions first:

(x - 2) / (x - 4) = (2 - 2) / ( 4 - 2) = 0 / 2 = 0.



This problem is showing that parentheses mean a lot to a problem. If there are no parentheses then you start with exponentiation, then multiplication, then division etc. But if parentheses are included in a problem, you must start with them. If you do not begin with the parentheses, the answer will be wrong.

self critique assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

`q002. Explain the difference between 2 ^ x + 4 and 2 ^ (x + 4). Then evaluate each expression for x = 2.

Note that a ^ b means to raise a to the b power. This process is called exponentiation, and the ^ symbol is used on most calculators, and in most computer algebra systems, to represent exponentiation.



In the first equation the 2 is being raised to the X power. Then 4 is being added to the answer.

In the second equation you raise the 2 to the (X+4) power. This means that you add 4 to whatever X is and raise the 2 to whatever number this is.

Equation 1: 2^x + 4= 8

Equation 2: 2 ^ (x+4)= 64

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

2 ^ x + 4 indicates that you are to raise 2 to the x power before adding the 4.

2 ^ (x + 4) indicates that you are to first evaluate x + 4, then raise 2 to this power.

If x = 2, then

2 ^ x + 4 = 2 ^ 2 + 4 = 2 * 2 + 4 = 4 + 4 = 8.


2 ^ (x + 4) = 2 ^ (2 + 4) = 2 ^ 6 = 2*2*2*2*2*2 = 64.



I understood that raising a number to the X power and then adding 4 was different from raising 2 to the (X+4) power.

self critique assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

`q003. What is the numerator of the fraction in the expression x - 3 / [ (2x-5)^2 * 3x + 1 ] - 2 + 7x? What is the denominator? What do you get when you evaluate the expression for x = 2?



The denominator is: [(2x-5)^2 * 3x + 1]

When evaluating with x=2 the answer is 83/7

confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

The numerator is 3. x isn't part of the fraction. / indicates division, which must always precede subtraction. Only the 3 is divided by [ (2x-5)^2 * 3x + 1 ] and only [ (2x-5)^2 * 3x + 1 ] divides 3.

If we mean (x - 3) / [ (2x-5)^2 * 3x + 1 ] - 2 + 7x we have to write it that way.

The preceding comments show that the denominator is [ (2x-5)^2 * 3x + 1 ]

Evaluating the expression for x = 2:

- 3 / [ (2 * 2 - 5)^2 * 3(2) + 1 ] - 2 + 7*2 =

2 - 3 / [ (4 - 5)^2 * 6 + 1 ] - 2 + 14 = evaluate in parenthese; do multiplications outside parentheses

2 - 3 / [ (-1)^2 * 6 + 1 ] -2 + 14 = add inside parentheses

2 - 3 / [ 1 * 6 + 1 ] - 2 + 14 = exponentiate in bracketed term;

2 - 3 / 7 - 2 + 14 = evaluate in brackets

13 4/7 or 95/7 or about 13.57 add and subtract in order.

The details of the calculation 2 - 3 / 7 - 2 + 14:

Since multiplication precedes addition or subtraction the 3/7 must be done first, making 3/7 a fraction. Changing the order of the terms we have

2 - 2 + 14 - 3 / 7 = 14 - 3/7 = 98/7 - 3/7 = 95/7.

COMMON STUDENT QUESTION: ok, I dont understand why x isnt part of the fraction? And I dont understand why only the brackets are divided by 3..why not the rest of the equation?

INSTRUCTOR RESPONSE: Different situations give us different algebraic expressions; the situation dictates the form of the expression.

If the above expression was was written otherwise it would be a completely different expression and most likely give you a different result when you substitute.

If we intended the numerator to be x - 3 then the expression would be written (x - 3) / [(2x-5)^2 * 3x + 1 ] - 2 + 7x, with the x - 3 grouped.

If we intended the numerator to be the entire expression after the / the expression would be written x - 3 / [(2x-5)^2 * 3x + 1 - 2 + 7x ].



I understand now why the X isn't part of the numerator. I carlessly didn't notice that the X was not enclosed in parentheses.

self critique assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

`q004. Explain, step by step, how you evaluate the expression (x - 5) ^ 2x-1 + 3 / x-2 for x = 4.



The first step is to replace all of the X's with 4's. Next you look in the parentheses to see that (4-5) = -1. Next you raise -1 to the eighth power because 2 was multiplied by 4. This gives us 1. Next we add 1 to (3/4) because it is next in the order of operations, giving us (7/4). Finally we subtract 2 from (7/4) to get (-1/4).

confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

We get

(4-5)^2 * 4 - 1 + 3 / 1 - 4

= (-1)^2 * 4 - 1 + 3 / 4 - 2 evaluating the term in parentheses

= 1 * 4 - 1 + 3 / 4 - 2 exponentiating (2 is the exponent, which is applied to -1 rather than multiplying the 2 by 4

= 4 - 1 + 3/4 - 2 noting that 3/4 is a fraction and adding and subtracting in order we get

= 1 3/4 = 7 /4 (Note that we could group the expression as 4 - 1 - 2 + 3/4 = 1 + 3/4 = 1 3/4 = 7/4).


(4 - 5) ^ 2*4 - 1 + 3 / 4 - 2 = -1 ^ 2*4 - 1 + 3 / 4-2 = -1 ^ 8 -1 + 3 / 4 - 2.


There are two errors here. In the second step you can't multiply 2 * 4 because you have (-1)^2, which must be done first. Exponentiation precedes multiplication.

Also it isn't quite correct to write -1^2*4 at the beginning of the second step. If you were supposed to multiply 2 * 4 the expression would be (-1)^(2 * 4).

Note also that the -1 needs to be grouped because the entire expression (-1) is taken to the power. -1^8 would be -1 because you would raise 1 to the power 8 before applying the - sign, which is effectively a multiplication by -1.



I was wrong in this question because I raised (4-5) to the 8th power instead of raising (4-5) to the 2nd power and then multiplying. This was a careless mistake.

self critique assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

*&*& Standard mathematics notation is easier to see. On the other hand it's very important to understand order of operations, and students do get used to this way of doing it.

You should of course write everything out in standard notation when you work it on paper.

It is likely that you will at some point use a computer algebra system, and when you do you will have to enter expressions through a typewriter, so it is well worth the trouble to get used to this notation.

Indicate your understanding of the necessity to understand this notation.



It's neccessary to understand computer notation because a lot of math is shown using it.

self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q005. At the link

http://www.vhcc.edu/dsmith/genInfo/introductory problems/typewriter_notation_examples_with_links.htm

(copy this path into the Address box of your Internet browser; alternatively use the path

http://vhmthphy.vhcc.edu/ > General Information > Startup and Orientation (either scroll to bottom of page or click on Links to Supplemental Sites) > typewriter notation examples

and you will find a page containing a number of additional exercises and/or examples of typewriter notation.Locate this site, click on a few of the links, and describe what you see there.



When I clicked the links it showed a series of equations. The equations were all in a group of two. The first equation would show an equation in typewriter notation. The second equation would show the same equation in standard notation.

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

You should see a brief set of instructions and over 30 numbered examples. If you click on the word Picture you will see the standard-notation format of the expression. The link entitled Examples and Pictures, located in the initial instructions, shows all the examples and pictures without requiring you to click on the links. There is also a file which includes explanations.

The instructions include a note indicating that Liberal Arts Mathematics students don't need a deep understanding of the notation, Mth 173-4 and University Physics students need a very good understanding,



self critique assessment:



assignment #002

002. Describing Graphs

qa initial problems



assignment #002

002. Describing Graphs

qa initial problems




`questionNumber 20000

`q001. You will frequently need to describe the graphs you have constructed in this course. This exercise is designed to get you used to some of the terminology we use to describe graphs. Please complete this exercise and email your work to the instructor. Note that you should do these graphs on paper without using a calculator. None of the arithmetic involved here should require a calculator, and you should not require the graphing capabilities of your calculator to answer these questions.

Problem 1. We make a table for y = 2x + 7 as follows: We construct two columns, and label the first column 'x' and the second 'y'. Put the numbers -3, -2, -1, -, 1, 2, 3 in the 'x' column. We substitute -3 into the expression and get y = 2(-3) + 7 = 1. We substitute -2 and get y = 2(-2) + 7 = 3. Substituting the remaining numbers we get y values 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13. These numbers go into the second column, each next to the x value from which it was obtained. We then graph these points on a set of x-y coordinate axes. Noting that these points lie on a straight line, we then construct the line through the points.

Now make a table for and graph the function y = 3x - 4.

Identify the intercepts of the graph, i.e., the points where the graph goes through the x and the y axes.



The x intercept = (4/3)

The y intercept = -4

confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 20000

The graph goes through the x axis when y = 0 and through the y axis when x = 0.

The x-intercept is therefore when 0 = 3x - 4, so 4 = 3x and x = 4/3.

The y-intercept is when y = 3 * 0 - 4 = -4. Thus the x intercept is at (4/3, 0) and the y intercept is at (0, -4).

Your graph should confirm this.



I got this answer correct. I knew that the x-intercept is when y equals 0 and vice versa. Therefore, I just filled in 0 for x and y to get the answer. My graph confirmed this.

self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

`q002. Does the steepness of the graph in the preceding exercise (of the function y = 3x - 4) change? If so describe how it changes.




confidence assessment: 1




`questionNumber 20000

The graph forms a straight line with no change in steepness.



I knew that the steepness (slope) did not change because it was a straight line.

self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

`q003. What is the slope of the graph of the preceding two exercises (the function ia y = 3x - 4;slope is rise / run between two points of the graph)?



This slope of this equation is 3.

confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 20000

Between any two points of the graph rise / run = 3.

For example, when x = 2 we have y = 3 * 2 - 4 = 2 and when x = 8 we have y = 3 * 8 - 4 = 20. Between these points the rise is 20 - 2 = 18 and the run is 8 - 2 = 6 so the slope is rise / run = 18 / 6 = 3.

Note that 3 is the coefficient of x in y = 3x - 4.

Note the following for reference in subsequent problems: The graph of this function is a straight line. The graph increases as we move from left to right. We therefore say that the graph is increasing, and that it is increasing at constant rate because the steepness of a straight line doesn't change.



I knew that the slope was 3 because it was the coefficient on the x. The equation is in slope intercept form which means that the coefficient with the x is the slope.

self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

`q005. Make a table of y vs. x for y = x^2. Graph y = x^2 between x = -3 and x = 0.

Would you say that the graph is increasing or decreasing?

Does the steepness of the graph change and if so, how?

Would you say that the graph is increasing at an increasing rate, increasing at a constant rate, increasing at a decreasing rate, decreasing at an decreasing rate, decreasing at a constant rate, or decreasing at a decreasing rate?



The graph decreases, then it increases.

The steepness goes from negative to positive.

The graph decreases at a constant rate, then it increases at a constant rate.

confidence assessment: 1




`questionNumber 20000

From left to right the graph is decreasing (points (-3,9), (-2,4), (-1,1), (0,0) show y values 9, 4, 1, 0 as we move from left to right ). The magnitudes of the changes in x from 9 to 4 to 1 to 0 decrease, so the steepness is decreasing.

Thus the graph is decreasing, but more and more slowly. We therefore say that the graph is decreasing at a decreasing rate.



I missed this one because I knew the graph was a parabola and I just looked at it from that perspective. I accidentally disregarded that x was supposed to be from 0-3.

self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

If you use x values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 you will obtain graph points (0,0), (1,1), (2,1.414), (3. 1.732), (4,2). The y value changes by less and less for every succeeding x value. Thus the steepness of the graph is decreasing.

The graph would be increasing at a decreasing rate.

If the graph respresents the profile of a hill, the hill starts out very steep but gets easier and easier to climb. You are still climbing but you go up by less with each step, so the rate of increase is decreasing.

If your graph doesn't look like this then you probably are not using a consistent scale for at least one of the axes. If your graph isn't as desribed take another look at your plot and make a note in your response indicating any difficulties.



Enter, as appropriate, an answer to the question, a critique of your answer in response to a 1answer, your insights regarding the situation at this point, notes to yourself, or just an OK.

Always critique your solutions by describing any insights you had or errors you makde, and by explaining how you can make use of the insight or how you now know how to avoid certain errors. Also pose for the instructor any question or questions that you have related to the problem or series of problems.

self critique assessment: 1




`questionNumber 20000

`q007. Make a table of y vs. x for y = 5 * 2^(-x). Graph y = 5 * 2^(-x) between x = 0 and x = 3.

Would you say that the graph is increasing or decreasing?

Does the steepness of the graph change and if so, how?

Would you say that the graph is increasing at an increasing rate, increasing at a constant rate, increasing at a decreasing rate, decreasing at an decreasing rate, decreasing at a constant rate, or decreasing at a decreasing rate?




confidence assessment: 1


Fbկ ٮٷ~z

assignment #002

002. Describing Graphs

qa initial problems




`questionNumber 20000

`q001. You will frequently need to describe the graphs you have constructed in this course. This exercise is designed to get you used to some of the terminology we use to describe graphs. Please complete this exercise and email your work to the instructor. Note that you should do these graphs on paper without using a calculator. None of the arithmetic involved here should require a calculator, and you should not require the graphing capabilities of your calculator to answer these questions.

Problem 1. We make a table for y = 2x + 7 as follows: We construct two columns, and label the first column 'x' and the second 'y'. Put the numbers -3, -2, -1, -, 1, 2, 3 in the 'x' column. We substitute -3 into the expression and get y = 2(-3) + 7 = 1. We substitute -2 and get y = 2(-2) + 7 = 3. Substituting the remaining numbers we get y values 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13. These numbers go into the second column, each next to the x value from which it was obtained. We then graph these points on a set of x-y coordinate axes. Noting that these points lie on a straight line, we then construct the line through the points.

Now make a table for and graph the function y = 3x - 4.

Identify the intercepts of the graph, i.e., the points where the graph goes through the x and the y axes.



The x-intercept= (4/3)

The y-intercept= (0, -4)

I arrived at these answers because the x-intercept is when y=0 and vice versa. I simply filled in 0 for x and y and solved for x and y. My graph confirmed this answer.

confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 20000

The graph goes through the x axis when y = 0 and through the y axis when x = 0.

The x-intercept is therefore when 0 = 3x - 4, so 4 = 3x and x = 4/3.

The y-intercept is when y = 3 * 0 - 4 = -4. Thus the x intercept is at (4/3, 0) and the y intercept is at (0, -4).

Your graph should confirm this.



I answered this correctly.

self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

`q002. Does the steepness of the graph in the preceding exercise (of the function y = 3x - 4) change? If so describe how it changes.



The steepness (slope) does NOT change because it is a straight line. Also if you find the slope at different points the slope is always the same.

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

`q003. What is the slope of the graph of the preceding two exercises (the function ia y = 3x - 4;slope is rise / run between two points of the graph)?




confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

Between any two points of the graph rise / run = 3.

For example, when x = 2 we have y = 3 * 2 - 4 = 2 and when x = 8 we have y = 3 * 8 - 4 = 20. Between these points the rise is 20 - 2 = 18 and the run is 8 - 2 = 6 so the slope is rise / run = 18 / 6 = 3.

Note that 3 is the coefficient of x in y = 3x - 4.

Note the following for reference in subsequent problems: The graph of this function is a straight line. The graph increases as we move from left to right. We therefore say that the graph is increasing, and that it is increasing at constant rate because the steepness of a straight line doesn't change.



self critique assessment:




`questionNumber 20000

`q004. Make a table of y vs. x for y = x^2. Graph y = x^2 between x = 0 and x = 3.

Would you say that the graph is increasing or decreasing?

Does the steepness of the graph change and if so, how?

Would you say that the graph is increasing at an increasing rate, increasing at a constant rate, increasing at a decreasing rate, decreasing at an decreasing rate, decreasing at a constant rate, or decreasing at a decreasing rate?



The graph is increasing.

The steepness of the graph is changing. It is becoming more steep.

I would say that the graphis increasing at an increasing rate.

confidence assessment: 1




`questionNumber 20000

Graph points include (0,0), (1,1), (2,4) and (3,9). The y values are 0, 1, 4 and 9, which increase as we move from left to right.

The increases between these points are 1, 3 and 5, so the graph not only increases, it increases at an increasing rate

STUDENT QUESTION: I understand increasing...im just not sure at what rate...how do you determine increasing at an increasing rate or a constant rate?

INSTRUCTOR RESPONSE: Does the y value increase by the same amount, by a greater amount or by a lesser amount every time x increases by 1?

In this case the increases get greater and greater. So the graph increases, and at an increasing rate. *&*&.



I understood this problem.

self critique assessment: 3



assignment #002

002. Describing Graphs

qa initial problems




`questionNumber 20000

`q001. You will frequently need to describe the graphs you have constructed in this course. This exercise is designed to get you used to some of the terminology we use to describe graphs. Please complete this exercise and email your work to the instructor. Note that you should do these graphs on paper without using a calculator. None of the arithmetic involved here should require a calculator, and you should not require the graphing capabilities of your calculator to answer these questions.

Problem 1. We make a table for y = 2x + 7 as follows: We construct two columns, and label the first column 'x' and the second 'y'. Put the numbers -3, -2, -1, -, 1, 2, 3 in the 'x' column. We substitute -3 into the expression and get y = 2(-3) + 7 = 1. We substitute -2 and get y = 2(-2) + 7 = 3. Substituting the remaining numbers we get y values 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13. These numbers go into the second column, each next to the x value from which it was obtained. We then graph these points on a set of x-y coordinate axes. Noting that these points lie on a straight line, we then construct the line through the points.

Now make a table for and graph the function y = 3x - 4.

Identify the intercepts of the graph, i.e., the points where the graph goes through the x and the y axes.



The x-intercept = ( (4/3), 0)

The y-intercept = (0, -4)

I arrived at this answer because I know that the x-intercept is when y is equal to 0 and vice versa. I simply filled in 0 for y to get the x-intercept and filled in 0 for x to get the y-intercept. My graph also showed this to be the answer.

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

The graph goes through the x axis when y = 0 and through the y axis when x = 0.

The x-intercept is therefore when 0 = 3x - 4, so 4 = 3x and x = 4/3.

The y-intercept is when y = 3 * 0 - 4 = -4. Thus the x intercept is at (4/3, 0) and the y intercept is at (0, -4).

Your graph should confirm this.




self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

`q002. Does the steepness of the graph in the preceding exercise (of the function y = 3x - 4) change? If so describe how it changes.



The steepness does NOT change. This is because the equation is a straight line with no change in slope.

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

The graph forms a straight line with no change in steepness.




self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

`q003. What is the slope of the graph of the preceding two exercises (the function ia y = 3x - 4;slope is rise / run between two points of the graph)?



The slope of the graph is 3. I knew this because the equation is in slope-intercept form and the coefficient with the x is the slope. I also determined the slope to be 3 by using two points on the graph.

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

Between any two points of the graph rise / run = 3.

For example, when x = 2 we have y = 3 * 2 - 4 = 2 and when x = 8 we have y = 3 * 8 - 4 = 20. Between these points the rise is 20 - 2 = 18 and the run is 8 - 2 = 6 so the slope is rise / run = 18 / 6 = 3.

Note that 3 is the coefficient of x in y = 3x - 4.

Note the following for reference in subsequent problems: The graph of this function is a straight line. The graph increases as we move from left to right. We therefore say that the graph is increasing, and that it is increasing at constant rate because the steepness of a straight line doesn't change.




self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

`q004. Make a table of y vs. x for y = x^2. Graph y = x^2 between x = 0 and x = 3.

Would you say that the graph is increasing or decreasing?

Does the steepness of the graph change and if so, how?

Would you say that the graph is increasing at an increasing rate, increasing at a constant rate, increasing at a decreasing rate, decreasing at an decreasing rate, decreasing at a constant rate, or decreasing at a decreasing rate?



This graph is increasing.

The steepness of the graph does change. The graph is becoming more steep.

I would say that the graph is increasing at an increasing rate.

confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 20000

Graph points include (0,0), (1,1), (2,4) and (3,9). The y values are 0, 1, 4 and 9, which increase as we move from left to right.

The increases between these points are 1, 3 and 5, so the graph not only increases, it increases at an increasing rate

STUDENT QUESTION: I understand increasing...im just not sure at what rate...how do you determine increasing at an increasing rate or a constant rate?

INSTRUCTOR RESPONSE: Does the y value increase by the same amount, by a greater amount or by a lesser amount every time x increases by 1?

In this case the increases get greater and greater. So the graph increases, and at an increasing rate. *&*&.



I thought that the graph was increasing at an increasing rate because when I determined slope by using two points, the slope was becoming more and more steep.

self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

`q005. Make a table of y vs. x for y = x^2. Graph y = x^2 between x = -3 and x = 0.

Would you say that the graph is increasing or decreasing?

Does the steepness of the graph change and if so, how?

Would you say that the graph is increasing at an increasing rate, increasing at a constant rate, increasing at a decreasing rate, decreasing at an decreasing rate, decreasing at a constant rate, or decreasing at a decreasing rate?



The graph is decreasing.

The steepness of the graph is changing. The graph is becoming less steep.

I think that the graph is decreasing at decreasing rate because the slope is becoming more positive, therefore more flat.

confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 20000

From left to right the graph is decreasing (points (-3,9), (-2,4), (-1,1), (0,0) show y values 9, 4, 1, 0 as we move from left to right ). The magnitudes of the changes in x from 9 to 4 to 1 to 0 decrease, so the steepness is decreasing.

Thus the graph is decreasing, but more and more slowly. We therefore say that the graph is decreasing at a decreasing rate.



I understood this problem. I was only concerned about the last question. I reasoned that because the graph started out with a very negative slope that and was becoming more positive that it was decreasing with a decreasing rate.

self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

`q006. Make a table of y vs. x for y = `sqrt(x). [note: `sqrt(x) means 'the square root of x']. Graph y = `sqrt(x) between x = 0 and x = 3.

Would you say that the graph is increasing or decreasing?

Does the steepness of the graph change and if so, how?

Would you say that the graph is increasing at an increasing rate, increasing at a constant rate, increasing at a decreasing rate, decreasing at an decreasing rate, decreasing at a constant rate, or decreasing at a decreasing rate?



The graph is increasing.

The steepness of the graph does change. It is becoming less steep.

I think that the graph is increasing at a decreasing rate.

confidence assessment: 1




`questionNumber 20000

If you use x values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 you will obtain graph points (0,0), (1,1), (2,1.414), (3. 1.732), (4,2). The y value changes by less and less for every succeeding x value. Thus the steepness of the graph is decreasing.

The graph would be increasing at a decreasing rate.

If the graph respresents the profile of a hill, the hill starts out very steep but gets easier and easier to climb. You are still climbing but you go up by less with each step, so the rate of increase is decreasing.

If your graph doesn't look like this then you probably are not using a consistent scale for at least one of the axes. If your graph isn't as desribed take another look at your plot and make a note in your response indicating any difficulties.




self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

`q007. Make a table of y vs. x for y = 5 * 2^(-x). Graph y = 5 * 2^(-x) between x = 0 and x = 3.

Would you say that the graph is increasing or decreasing?

Does the steepness of the graph change and if so, how?

Would you say that the graph is increasing at an increasing rate, increasing at a constant rate, increasing at a decreasing rate, decreasing at an decreasing rate, decreasing at a constant rate, or decreasing at a decreasing rate?



The graph is decreasing.

The steepness is changing. It is becoming less steep.

I think that the graph is decreasing at a decreasing rate.

confidence assessment: 1




`questionNumber 20000

** From basic algebra recall that a^(-b) = 1 / (a^b).

So, for example:

2^-2 = 1 / (2^2) = 1/4, so 5 * 2^-2 = 5 * 1/4 = 5/4.

5* 2^-3 = 5 * (1 / 2^3) = 5 * 1/8 = 5/8. Etc.

The decimal equivalents of the values for x = 0 to x = 3 will be 5, 2.5, 1.25, .625. These values decrease, but by less and less each time.

The graph is therefore decreasing at a decreasing rate. **




self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 20000

`q008. Suppose you stand still in front of a driveway. A car starts out next to you and moves away from you, traveling faster and faster.

If y represents the distance from you to the car and t represents the time in seconds since the car started out, would a graph of y vs. t be increasing or decreasing?

Would you say that the graph is increasing at an increasing rate, increasing at a constant rate, increasing at a decreasing rate, decreasing at an decreasing rate, decreasing at a constant rate, or decreasing at a decreasing rate?



I think the graph is increasing at a constant rate.

confidence assessment: 1




`questionNumber 20000

** The speed of the car increases so it goes further each second. On a graph of distance vs. clock time there would be a greater change in distance with each second, which would cause a greater slope with each subsequent second. The graph would therefore be increasing at an increasing rate. **



I knew that the graph was increasing, however I did not consider that with each second the distance would be greater. I thought it was a constant rate because I forgot that the speed was increasing. I know now why I missed this.

self critique assessment: 3



assignment #005

005. Calculus

qa initial problems




`questionNumber 50000

`q001. The graph of a certain function is a smooth curve passing through the points (3, 5), (7, 17) and (10, 29).

Between which two points do you think the graph is steeper, on the average?

Why do we say 'on the average'?




confidence assessment: 1




`questionNumber 50000

For x = 2.1, 2.01, 2.001, 2.0001 we see that x -2 = .1, .01, .001, .0001. Thus 1/(x -2) takes respective values 10, 100, 1000, 10,000.

It is important to note that x is changing by smaller and smaller increments as it approaches 2, while the value of the function is changing by greater and greater amounts.

As x gets closer in closer to 2, it will reach the values 2.00001, 2.0000001, etc.. Since we can put as many zeros as we want in .000...001 the reciprocal 100...000 can be as large as we desire. Given any number, we can exceed it.

Note that the function is simply not defined for x = 2. We cannot divide 1 by 0 (try counting to 1 by 0's..You never get anywhere. It can't be done. You can count to 1 by .1's--.1, .2, .3, ..., .9, 1. You get 10. You can do similar thing for .01, .001, etc., but you just can't do it for 0).

As x approaches 2 the graph approaches the vertical line x = 2; the graph itself is never vertical. That is, the graph will have a vertical asymptote at the line x = 2. As x approaches 2, therefore, 1 / (x-2) will exceed all bounds.

Note that if x approaches 2 through the values 1.9, 1.99, ..., the function gives us -10, -100, etc.. So we can see that on one side of x = 2 the graph will approach +infinity, on the other it will be negative and approach -infinity.



Enter, as appropriate, an answer to the question, a critique of your answer in response to a given answer, your insights regarding the situation at this point, notes to yourself, or just an OK.


Always critique your solutions by describing any insights you had or errors you makde, and by explaining how you can make use of the insight or how you now know how to avoid certain errors. Also pose for the instructor any question or questions that you have related to the problem or series of problems.

self critique assessment: 2



assignment #005

005. Calculus

qa initial problems




`questionNumber 50000

`q001. The graph of a certain function is a smooth curve passing through the points (3, 5), (7, 17) and (10, 29).

Between which two points do you think the graph is steeper, on the average?

Why do we say 'on the average'?



The graph is steeper between the points (7,17) and (10,29). This is true because the slope between these two points is 4 which is higher than the other slopes.

I think we say on the average because since the line is curved the slope isn't always precise.

confidence assessment: 1




`questionNumber 50000

Slope = rise / run.

Between points (7, 17) and (10, 29) we get rise / run = (29 - 17) / (10 - 7) =12 / 3 = 4.

The slope between points (3, 5) and (7, 17) is 3 / 1. (17 - 5) / (7 -3) = 12 / 4 = 3.

The segment with slope 4 is the steeper. The graph being a smooth curve, slopes may vary from point to point. The slope obtained over the interval is a specific type of average of the slopes of all points between the endpoints.



I wasn't certain about the last question but I understand it better now.

self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 50000

For x = 2.1, 2.01, 2.001, 2.0001 we see that x -2 = .1, .01, .001, .0001. Thus 1/(x -2) takes respective values 10, 100, 1000, 10,000.

It is important to note that x is changing by smaller and smaller increments as it approaches 2, while the value of the function is changing by greater and greater amounts.

As x gets closer in closer to 2, it will reach the values 2.00001, 2.0000001, etc.. Since we can put as many zeros as we want in .000...001 the reciprocal 100...000 can be as large as we desire. Given any number, we can exceed it.

Note that the function is simply not defined for x = 2. We cannot divide 1 by 0 (try counting to 1 by 0's..You never get anywhere. It can't be done. You can count to 1 by .1's--.1, .2, .3, ..., .9, 1. You get 10. You can do similar thing for .01, .001, etc., but you just can't do it for 0).

As x approaches 2 the graph approaches the vertical line x = 2; the graph itself is never vertical. That is, the graph will have a vertical asymptote at the line x = 2. As x approaches 2, therefore, 1 / (x-2) will exceed all bounds.

Note that if x approaches 2 through the values 1.9, 1.99, ..., the function gives us -10, -100, etc.. So we can see that on one side of x = 2 the graph will approach +infinity, on the other it will be negative and approach -infinity.



The values that the expression takes with using 2.1 is 10. With 2.01 it is 100. With 2.001 it is 1000. With 2.0001 it is 10000.

1. They keep getting larger.

2. The value will eventually exceed a billion. It will also exceed one trillion billions.

3. I think it will exceed the number of particles in the known universe.

4. I believe that the number will keep rising if we keep adding zeros after the 2. It is approching infinity which is larger than any number.

5. There should be an asymptote when x=2 which makes it undefined.

self critique assessment: 2




`questionNumber 50000

`q003. One straight line segment connects the points (3,5) and (7,9) while another connects the points (10,2) and (50,4). From each of the four points a line segment is drawn directly down to the x axis, forming two trapezoids. Which trapezoid has the greater area? Try to justify your answer with something more precise than, for example, 'from a sketch I can see that this one is much bigger so it must have the greater area'.



The trapezoid fromed by (10,2) and (50,4) is larger. I know this because the dimensions of the area is larger than in the other trapezoids. Since the area of a trapezoid is 1/2 x h x (a + b), then this had to be the one with the larger area.

confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 50000

Your sketch should show that while the first trapezoid averages a little more than double the altitude of the second, the second is clearly much more than twice as wide and hence has the greater area.

To justify this a little more precisely, the first trapezoid, which runs from x = 3 to x = 7, is 4 units wide while the second runs from x = 10 and to x = 50 and hence has a width of 40 units. The altitudes of the first trapezoid are 5 and 9,so the average altitude of the first is 7. The average altitude of the second is the average of the altitudes 2 and 4, or 3. So the first trapezoid is over twice as high, on the average, as the first. However the second is 10 times as wide, so the second trapezoid must have the greater area.

This is all the reasoning we need to answer the question. We could of course multiply average altitude by width for each trapezoid, obtaining area 7 * 4 = 28 for the first and 3 * 40 = 120 for the second. However if all we need to know is which trapezoid has a greater area, we need not bother with this step.




self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 50000

`q004. If f(x) = x^2 (meaning 'x raised to the power 2') then which is steeper, the line segment connecting the x = 2 and x = 5 points on the graph of f(x), or the line segment connecting the x = -1 and x = 7 points on the same graph? Explain the basisof your reasoning.



The line with x=2 and x=5 is steeper. I got this answer by filling in 2 and 5 for the x in the equation to get the y points. This gave me the points (2,4) and (5,25). I then determined the slope to be 7. I did this for the other points and the slope was 6. Therefore, x=2 and x=5 is steeper.

confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 50000

The line segment connecting x = 2 and the x = 5 points is steeper: Since f(x) = x^2, x = 2 gives y = 4 and x = 5 gives y = 25. The slope between the points is rise / run = (25 - 4) / (5 - 2) = 21 / 3 = 7.

The line segment connecting the x = -1 point (-1,1) and the x = 7 point (7,49) has a slope of (49 - 1) / (7 - -1) = 48 / 8 = 6.

The slope of the first segment is greater.




self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 50000

`q005. Suppose that every week of the current millenium you go to the jewler and obtain a certain number of grams of pure gold, which you then place in an old sock and bury in your backyard. Assume that buried gold lasts a long, long time ( this is so), that the the gold remains undisturbed (maybe, maybe not so), that no other source adds gold to your backyard (probably so), and that there was no gold in your yard before..

1. If you construct a graph of y = the number of grams of gold in your backyard vs. t = the number of weeks since Jan. 1, 2000, with the y axis pointing up and the t axis pointing to the right, will the points on your graph lie on a level straight line, a rising straight line, a falling straight line, a line which rises faster and faster, a line which rises but more and more slowly, a line which falls faster and faster, or a line which falls but more and more slowly?

2. Answer the same question assuming that every week you bury 1 more gram than you did the previous week.

{}3. Answer the same question assuming that every week you bury half the amount you did the previous week.



1. I don't fully understand the problem. I don't know what ""obtain a certain number of grams of pure gold"" means. Does this mean that you always acquire the same amount of gold. Or does this mean that the amount of gold varies. I'll assume that the amount varies. I think that the line would be a rising straight line.

2. This line would be a line which rises faster and faster.

3.This would probably be a line which rises more and more slowly.

confidence assessment: 1




`questionNumber 50000

1. If it's the same amount each week it would be a straight line.

2. Buying gold every week, the amount of gold will always increase. Since you buy more each week the rate of increase will keep increasing. So the graph will increase, and at an increasing rate.

3. Buying gold every week, the amount of gold won't ever decrease. Since you buy less each week the rate of increase will just keep falling. So the graph will increase, but at a decreasing rate. This graph will in fact approach a horizontal asymptote, since we have a geometric progression which implies an exponential function.



I was confident about number 2 and 3. However I didn't understand the first question. I understand that because it's the same amount every week that it's a straight line.

self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 50000

`q006. Suppose that every week you go to the jewler and obtain a certain number of grams of pure gold, which you then place in an old sock and bury in your backyard. Assume that buried gold lasts a long, long time, that the the gold remains undisturbed, and that no other source adds gold to your backyard.

1. If you graph the rate at which gold is accumulating from week to week vs. tne number of weeks since Jan 1, 2000, will the points on your graph lie on a level straight line, a rising straight line, a falling straight line, a line which rises faster and faster, a line which rises but more and more slowly, a line which falls faster and faster, or a line which falls but more and more slowly?

2. Answer the same question assuming that every week you bury 1 more gram than you did the previous week.

3. Answer the same question assuming that every week you bury half the amount you did the previous week.



1. This would be a straight line.

2. This would be a line a line that rises faster and faster.

3. This line would fall faster and faster.

confidence assessment: 1




`questionNumber 50000

This set of questions is different from the preceding set. This question now asks about a graph of rate vs. time, whereas the last was about the graph of quantity vs. time.

Question 1: This question concerns the graph of the rate at which gold accumulates, which in this case, since you buy the same amount eact week, is constant. The graph would be a horizontal straight line.

Question 2: Each week you buy one more gram than the week before, so the rate goes up each week by 1 gram per week. You thus get a risingstraight line because the increase in the rate is the same from one week to the next.

Question 3. Since half the previous amount will be half of a declining amount, the rate will decrease while remaining positive, so the graph remains positive as it decreases more and more slowly. The rate approaches but never reaches zero.



To clarify, in the first question I answered straight line but I meant horizontal straight line.

self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 50000

``q007. If the depth of water in a container is given, in centimeters, by 100 - 2 t + .01 t^2, where t is clock time in seconds, then what are the depths at clock times t = 30, t = 40 and t = 60? On the average is depth changing more rapidly during the first time interval or the second?



The depth is changing more rapidly in the second interval because the slope is steeper.

self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 50000

At t = 30 we get depth = 100 - 2 t + .01 t^2 = 100 - 2 * 30 + .01 * 30^2 = 49.

At t = 40 we get depth = 100 - 2 t + .01 t^2 = 100 - 2 * 40 + .01 * 40^2 = 36.

At t = 60 we get depth = 100 - 2 t + .01 t^2 = 100 - 2 * 60 + .01 * 60^2 = 16.

49 cm - 36 cm = 13 cm change in 10 sec or 1.3 cm/s on the average.

36 cm - 16 cm = 20 cm change in 20 sec or 1.0 cm/s on the average.



When I did the arithmetic I used 0.1 instead of .01. This accounts for why I missed it. Also I was using slope instead of just looking at the rate of change.

self critique assessment: 3




`questionNumber 50000

`q008. If the rate at which water descends in a container is given, in cm/s, by 10 - .1 t, where t is clock time in seconds, then at what rate is water descending when t = 10, and at what rate is it descending when t = 20? How much would you therefore expect the water level to change during this 10-second interval?



When t=10 the water is descending at 9 cm/s.

When t= 20 the water descends at a rate of 8 cm/s.

I would expect the water level to change 90 centimeters.

confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 50000

At t = 10 sec the rate function gives us 10 - .1 * 10 = 10 - 1 = 9, meaning a rate of 9 cm / sec.

At t = 20 sec the rate function gives us 10 - .1 * 20 = 10 - 2 = 8, meaning a rate of 8 cm / sec.

The rate never goes below 8 cm/s, so in 10 sec the change wouldn't be less than 80 cm.

The rate never goes above 9 cm/s, so in 10 sec the change wouldn't be greater than 90 cm.

Any answer that isn't between 80 cm and 90 cm doesn't fit the given conditions..

The rate change is a linear function of t. Therefore the average rate is the average of the two rates, or 9.5 cm/s.

The average of the rates is 8.5 cm/sec. In 10 sec that would imply a change of 85 cm.




self critique assessment: 3



assignment #001

001. Rates

qa rates



assignment #001

001. Rates

qa rates




`questionNumber 10000

`q001. You should copy and paste these instructions to a word processor for reference. However you can always view them, as well as everything else that has appeared in this box, by clicking the 'Display Everything' button.

1. For the next question or answer, you click on 'Next Question / Answer' button above the box at top left until a question has been posed. Once a question has been posed you are to answer before you click again on this button.

2. Before clicking for an answer, type your best answer to the current question into the box to the right, then clip on the 'Enter Answer' button.

3. After entering your answer you will click on 'Next Question / Answer' to view the answer to the question. Do not tamper with the information displayed in the left-hand box.

4. If your answer was incorrect, incomplete or would otherwise require revision, you will enter a self-critique. If you learned something from the answer, you need to restate it in your own words in order to reinforce your learning. If there is something you feel you should note for future reference, you should make a note in your own words. Go to the response box (the right-hand box) and type in a self-critique and/or notes, as appropriate. Do not copy and paste anything from the left-hand box, since that information will be saved in any case.

5. If you wish to save your response to your Notes file you may choose to click on the 'Save As Notes' button rather than the 'Enter Answer' button. Doing so will save your work for your future reference. Your work will be saved in a Notes file in the c:\vhmthphy folder. The title of the Notes file will also include the name you gave when you started the program.

6. After clicking either the 'Enter Response' or the 'Save as Notes' button, click on 'Next Question / Answer' and proceed in a similar manner.

In the right-hand box briefly describe your understanding of these instructions, then click 'Enter Answer'.



I fully understand these instructions.

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

Your answer has been noted. Enter 'ok' in the Response Box and click on Enter Response, then click on Next Question/Answer for the first real question.




confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q002. Note that there are 10 questions in this assignment. The questions are of increasing difficulty--the first questions are fairly easy but later questions are very tricky. The main purposes of these exercises are to refine your thinking about rates, and to see how you process challenging information. Continue as far as you can until you are completely lost. Students who are prepared for the highest-level math courses might not ever get lost.

If you make $50 in 5 hr, then at what rate are you earning money?




confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

The rate at which you are earning money is the number of dollars per hour you are earning. You are earning money at the rate of 50 dollars / (5 hours) = 10 dollars / hour. It is very likely that you immediately came up with the $10 / hour because almosteveryone is familiar with the concept of the pay rate, the number of dollars per hour. Note carefully that the pay rate is found by dividing the quantity earned by the time required to earn it. Time rates in general are found by dividing an accumulated quantity by the time required to accumulate it.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

`q003.If you make $60,000 per year then how much do you make per month?




confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

Most people will very quickly see that we need to divide $60,000 by 12 months, giving us 60,000 dollars / (12 months) = 5000 dollars / month. Note that again we have found a time rate, dividing the accumulated quantity by the time required to accumulate it.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 1




`questionNumber 10000

`q004. Suppose that the $60,000 is made in a year by a small business. Would be more appropriate to say that the business makes $5000 per month, or that the business makes an average of $5000 per month?




confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

Small businesses do not usually make the same amount of money every month. The amount made depends on the demand for the services or commodities provided by the business, and there are often seasonal fluctuations in addition to other market fluctuations. It is almost certain that a small business making $60,000 per year will make more than $5000 in some months and less than $5000 in others. Therefore it is much more appropriate to say that the business makes and average of $5000 per month.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

`q005. If you travel 300 miles in 6 hours, at what average rate are you covering distance, and why do we say average rate instead of just plain rate?




confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

The average rate is 50 miles per hour, or 50 miles / hour. This is obtained by dividing the accumulated quantity, the 300 miles, by the time required to accumulate it, obtaining ave rate = 300 miles / ( 6 hours) = 50 miles / hour. Note that the rate at which distance is covered is called speed. The car has an average speed of 50 miles/hour. We say 'average rate' in this case because it is almost certain that slight changes in pressure on the accelerator, traffic conditions and other factors ensure that the speed will sometimes be greater than 50 miles/hour and sometimes less than 50 miles/hour; the 50 miles/hour we obtain from the given information is clearly and overall average of the velocities.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

The rate of change of one quantity with respect to another is the change in the first quantity, divided by the change in the second. As in previous examples, we found the rate at which money was made with respect to time by dividing the amount of money made by the time required to make it.

By analogy, the rate at which we use fuel with respect to miles traveled is the change in the amount of fuel divided by the number of miles traveled. In this case we use 60 gallons of fuel in 1200 miles, so the average rate it 60 gal / (1200 miles) = .05 gallons / mile.

Note that this question didn't ask for miles per gallon. Miles per gallon is an appropriate and common calculation, but it measures the rate at which miles are covered with respect to the amount of fuel used. Be sure you see the difference.

Note that in this problem we again have here an example of a rate, but unlike previous instances this rate is not calculated with respect to time. This rate is calculated with respect to the amount of fuel used. We divide the accumulated quantity, in this case miles, by the amount of fuel required to cover those miles. Note that again we call the result of this problem an average rate because there are always at least subtle differences in driving conditions that require the use of more fuel on some miles than on others.

It's very important to understand the phrase 'with respect to'. Whether the calculation makes sense or not, it is defined by the order of the terms.

In this case gallons / mile tells you how many gallons you are burning, on the average, per mile. This concept is not as familiar as miles / gallon, but except for familiarity it's technically no more difficult.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q007. The word 'average' generally connotes something like adding two quantities and dividing by 2, or adding several quantities and dividing by the number of quantities we added. Why is it that we are calculating average rates but we aren't adding anything?




confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

The word 'average' in the context of the dollars / month, miles / gallon types of questions we have been answering was used because we expect that in different months different amounts were earned, or that over different parts of the trip the gas mileage might have varied, but that if we knew all the individual quantities (e.g., the dollars earned each month, the number of gallons used with each mile) and averaged them in the usual manner, we would get the .05 gallons / mile, or the $5000 / month. In a sense we have already added up all the dollars earned in each month, or the miles traveled on each gallon, and we have obtained the total $60,000 or 1200 miles. Thus when we divide by the number of months or the number of gallons, we are in fact calculating an average rate.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

`q009. In another part of the study, participants all did 30 pushups per day, but one group did pushups with a 10-pound weight on their shoulders while the other used a 30-pound weight. At the end of the study, the first group had an average lifting strength of 171 pounds, while the second had an average lifting strength of 188 pounds. At what average rate did lifting strength increase with respect to the added shoulder weight?




confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

The difference in lifting strength was 17 pounds, as a result of a 20 pound difference in added weight. The average rate at which strength increases with respect added weight would therefore be 17 lifting pounds / (20 added pounds) = .85 lifting pounds / added pound. The strength advantage was .85 lifting pounds per pound of added weight, on the average.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

`q010. During a race, a runner passes the 100-meter mark 12 seconds after the start and the 200-meter mark 22 seconds after the start. At what average rate was the runner covering distance between those two positions?




confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

The runner traveled 100 meters between the two positions, and required 10 seconds to do so. The average rate at which the runner was covering distance was therefore 100 meters / (10 seconds) = 10 meters / second. Again this is an average rate; at different positions in his stride the runner would clearly be traveling at slightly different speeds.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

`q011. During a race, a runner passes the 100-meter mark moving at 10 meters / second, and the 200-meter mark moving at 9 meters / second. What is your best estimate of how long it takes the runner to cover the 100 meter distance?




confidence assessment:




`questionNumber 10000

At 10 meters/sec, the runner would require 10 seconds to travel 100 meters. However the runner seems to be slowing, and will therefore require more than 10 seconds to travel the 100 meters. We don't know what the runner's average speed is, we only know that it goes from 10 m/s to 9 m/s. The simplest estimate we could make would be that the average speed is the average of 10 m/s and 9 m/s, or (10 m/s + 9 m/s ) / 2 = 9.5 m/s. Taking this approximation as the average rate, the time required to travel 100 meters will be (100 meters) / (9.5 m/s) = 10.5 sec, approx.. Note that simply averaging the 10 m/s and the 9 m/s might not be the best way to approximate the average rate--for example we if we knew enough about the situation we might expect that this runner would maintain the 10 m/s for most of the remaining 100 meters, and simply tire during the last few seconds. However we were not given this information, and we don't add extraneous assumptions without good cause. So the approximation we used here is pretty close to the best we can do with the given information.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.



confidence assessment: 1




`questionNumber 10000

`q012. We just averaged two quantities, adding them in dividing by 2, to find an average rate. We didn't do that before. Why we do it now?




confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

In previous examples the quantities weren't rates. We were given the amount of change of some accumulating quantity, and the change in time or in some other quantity on which the first was dependent (e.g., dollars and months, miles and gallons). Here we are given 2 rates, 10 m/s and 9 m/s, in a situation where we need an average rate in order to answer a question. Within this context, averaging the 2 rates was an appropriate tactic.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 2

&#I believe you submitted this as part of a previous submission. Let me know if I'm wrong about that; if I'm right, then be sure to avoid this sort of redundancy. &#



assignment #001

001. Rates

qa rates




`questionNumber 10000

`q001. You should copy and paste these instructions to a word processor for reference. However you can always view them, as well as everything else that has appeared in this box, by clicking the 'Display Everything' button.

1. For the next question or answer, you click on 'Next Question / Answer' button above the box at top left until a question has been posed. Once a question has been posed you are to answer before you click again on this button.

2. Before clicking for an answer, type your best answer to the current question into the box to the right, then clip on the 'Enter Answer' button.

3. After entering your answer you will click on 'Next Question / Answer' to view the answer to the question. Do not tamper with the information displayed in the left-hand box.

4. If your answer was incorrect, incomplete or would otherwise require revision, you will enter a self-critique. If you learned something from the answer, you need to restate it in your own words in order to reinforce your learning. If there is something you feel you should note for future reference, you should make a note in your own words. Go to the response box (the right-hand box) and type in a self-critique and/or notes, as appropriate. Do not copy and paste anything from the left-hand box, since that information will be saved in any case.

5. If you wish to save your response to your Notes file you may choose to click on the 'Save As Notes' button rather than the 'Enter Answer' button. Doing so will save your work for your future reference. Your work will be saved in a Notes file in the c:\vhmthphy folder. The title of the Notes file will also include the name you gave when you started the program.

6. After clicking either the 'Enter Response' or the 'Save as Notes' button, click on 'Next Question / Answer' and proceed in a similar manner.

In the right-hand box briefly describe your understanding of these instructions, then click 'Enter Answer'.



I fully understand the instructions.

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

Your answer has been noted. Enter 'ok' in the Response Box and click on Enter Response, then click on Next Question/Answer for the first real question.




confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q002. Note that there are 10 questions in this assignment. The questions are of increasing difficulty--the first questions are fairly easy but later questions are very tricky. The main purposes of these exercises are to refine your thinking about rates, and to see how you process challenging information. Continue as far as you can until you are completely lost. Students who are prepared for the highest-level math courses might not ever get lost.

If you make $50 in 5 hr, then at what rate are you earning money?



The rate you are making money with is $10 per hour. To get this answer you divide the total money you make ($50) by the time you work (5 hours). This gives us an answer of $10 per hour.

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

The rate at which you are earning money is the number of dollars per hour you are earning. You are earning money at the rate of 50 dollars / (5 hours) = 10 dollars / hour. It is very likely that you immediately came up with the $10 / hour because almosteveryone is familiar with the concept of the pay rate, the number of dollars per hour. Note carefully that the pay rate is found by dividing the quantity earned by the time required to earn it. Time rates in general are found by dividing an accumulated quantity by the time required to accumulate it.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q003.If you make $60,000 per year then how much do you make per month?



You would be making $5,000 per month. Once again, I divided the quantity of money ($60,000) by number of months in a year (12).

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

Most people will very quickly see that we need to divide $60,000 by 12 months, giving us 60,000 dollars / (12 months) = 5000 dollars / month. Note that again we have found a time rate, dividing the accumulated quantity by the time required to accumulate it.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q004. Suppose that the $60,000 is made in a year by a small business. Would be more appropriate to say that the business makes $5000 per month, or that the business makes an average of $5000 per month?



I think that it is more appropriate to say that the business makes an average of $5000 per month. I think this is the case because it would be very unusual for a business to make the exact same amount of money every month. Sometimes they probably make more and sometimes less than $5000 in a month.

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

Small businesses do not usually make the same amount of money every month. The amount made depends on the demand for the services or commodities provided by the business, and there are often seasonal fluctuations in addition to other market fluctuations. It is almost certain that a small business making $60,000 per year will make more than $5000 in some months and less than $5000 in others. Therefore it is much more appropriate to say that the business makes and average of $5000 per month.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q005. If you travel 300 miles in 6 hours, at what average rate are you covering distance, and why do we say average rate instead of just plain rate?



I would be going 50 miles per hour. We say average rate because over the course of traveling, I would not be going 50 miles per hour the entire time. Sometimes, I would be going faster or slower than 50 m.p.h.

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

The average rate is 50 miles per hour, or 50 miles / hour. This is obtained by dividing the accumulated quantity, the 300 miles, by the time required to accumulate it, obtaining ave rate = 300 miles / ( 6 hours) = 50 miles / hour. Note that the rate at which distance is covered is called speed. The car has an average speed of 50 miles/hour. We say 'average rate' in this case because it is almost certain that slight changes in pressure on the accelerator, traffic conditions and other factors ensure that the speed will sometimes be greater than 50 miles/hour and sometimes less than 50 miles/hour; the 50 miles/hour we obtain from the given information is clearly and overall average of the velocities.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q006. If you use 60 gallons of gasoline on a 1200 mile trip, then at what average rate are you using gasoline, with respect to miles traveled?



I would be using 0.05 gallons of gas per gallon. I divided the number of gallons by the miles traveled to get this.

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

The rate of change of one quantity with respect to another is the change in the first quantity, divided by the change in the second. As in previous examples, we found the rate at which money was made with respect to time by dividing the amount of money made by the time required to make it.

By analogy, the rate at which we use fuel with respect to miles traveled is the change in the amount of fuel divided by the number of miles traveled. In this case we use 60 gallons of fuel in 1200 miles, so the average rate it 60 gal / (1200 miles) = .05 gallons / mile.

Note that this question didn't ask for miles per gallon. Miles per gallon is an appropriate and common calculation, but it measures the rate at which miles are covered with respect to the amount of fuel used. Be sure you see the difference.

Note that in this problem we again have here an example of a rate, but unlike previous instances this rate is not calculated with respect to time. This rate is calculated with respect to the amount of fuel used. We divide the accumulated quantity, in this case miles, by the amount of fuel required to cover those miles. Note that again we call the result of this problem an average rate because there are always at least subtle differences in driving conditions that require the use of more fuel on some miles than on others.

It's very important to understand the phrase 'with respect to'. Whether the calculation makes sense or not, it is defined by the order of the terms.

In this case gallons / mile tells you how many gallons you are burning, on the average, per mile. This concept is not as familiar as miles / gallon, but except for familiarity it's technically no more difficult.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q007. The word 'average' generally connotes something like adding two quantities and dividing by 2, or adding several quantities and dividing by the number of quantities we added. Why is it that we are calculating average rates but we aren't adding anything?



This is because when we find average rates we are dividing two numbers. The numbers have already been added before the rates are calculated. We are simply dividing two numbers to get an answer in a form like miles per hour or dollars per hour.

confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

The word 'average' in the context of the dollars / month, miles / gallon types of questions we have been answering was used because we expect that in different months different amounts were earned, or that over different parts of the trip the gas mileage might have varied, but that if we knew all the individual quantities (e.g., the dollars earned each month, the number of gallons used with each mile) and averaged them in the usual manner, we would get the .05 gallons / mile, or the $5000 / month. In a sense we have already added up all the dollars earned in each month, or the miles traveled on each gallon, and we have obtained the total $60,000 or 1200 miles. Thus when we divide by the number of months or the number of gallons, we are in fact calculating an average rate.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.



I understand that it's called average because we expect things in different months or hours to not always be the same. I understand this question better now.

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q008. In a study of how lifting strength is influenced by various ways of training, a study group was divided into 2 subgroups of equally matched individuals. The first group did 10 pushups per day for a year and the second group did 50 pushups per day for year. At the end of the year to lifting strength of the first group averaged 147 pounds, while that of the second group averaged 162 pounds. At what average rate did lifting strength increase per daily pushup?



The increase of each pushup adds 0.375 pounds. I got this getting difference between what each group could lift. I then divided this number by the difference in pushups done.

confidence assessment: 1




`questionNumber 10000

The second group had 15 pounds more lifting strength as a result of doing 40 more daily pushups than the first. The desired rate is therefore 15 pounds / 40 pushups = .375 pounds / pushup.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q009. In another part of the study, participants all did 30 pushups per day, but one group did pushups with a 10-pound weight on their shoulders while the other used a 30-pound weight. At the end of the study, the first group had an average lifting strength of 171 pounds, while the second had an average lifting strength of 188 pounds. At what average rate did lifting strength increase with respect to the added shoulder weight?



The average increase in weight was 0.85 pounds. I got the difference in the amount lifted and divided it by the difference in the weights (20 lbs.).

confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

The difference in lifting strength was 17 pounds, as a result of a 20 pound difference in added weight. The average rate at which strength increases with respect added weight would therefore be 17 lifting pounds / (20 added pounds) = .85 lifting pounds / added pound. The strength advantage was .85 lifting pounds per pound of added weight, on the average.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q010. During a race, a runner passes the 100-meter mark 12 seconds after the start and the 200-meter mark 22 seconds after the start. At what average rate was the runner covering distance between those two positions?



He was going 10 meters/second. I know this because he traveled 100 meters between the marks and it took him 10 seconds. I simply divided these numbers.

confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

The runner traveled 100 meters between the two positions, and required 10 seconds to do so. The average rate at which the runner was covering distance was therefore 100 meters / (10 seconds) = 10 meters / second. Again this is an average rate; at different positions in his stride the runner would clearly be traveling at slightly different speeds.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

`q011. During a race, a runner passes the 100-meter mark moving at 10 meters / second, and the 200-meter mark moving at 9 meters / second. What is your best estimate of how long it takes the runner to cover the 100 meter distance?



The runner is moving at approximately 10.5 m/s. I got this by dividing the distance traveled (100 m) by the average speed (9.5 m/s).

confidence assessment: 3




`questionNumber 10000

At 10 meters/sec, the runner would require 10 seconds to travel 100 meters. However the runner seems to be slowing, and will therefore require more than 10 seconds to travel the 100 meters. We don't know what the runner's average speed is, we only know that it goes from 10 m/s to 9 m/s. The simplest estimate we could make would be that the average speed is the average of 10 m/s and 9 m/s, or (10 m/s + 9 m/s ) / 2 = 9.5 m/s. Taking this approximation as the average rate, the time required to travel 100 meters will be (100 meters) / (9.5 m/s) = 10.5 sec, approx.. Note that simply averaging the 10 m/s and the 9 m/s might not be the best way to approximate the average rate--for example we if we knew enough about the situation we might expect that this runner would maintain the 10 m/s for most of the remaining 100 meters, and simply tire during the last few seconds. However we were not given this information, and we don't add extraneous assumptions without good cause. So the approximation we used here is pretty close to the best we can do with the given information.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.




confidence assessment: 2




`questionNumber 10000

`q012. We just averaged two quantities, adding them in dividing by 2, to find an average rate. We didn't do that before. Why we do it now?



Before the last problem the quantities were not given in rate form such as miles per hour. They were given in single units like dollars or meters.

confidence assessment: 1




`questionNumber 10000

In previous examples the quantities weren't rates. We were given the amount of change of some accumulating quantity, and the change in time or in some other quantity on which the first was dependent (e.g., dollars and months, miles and gallons). Here we are given 2 rates, 10 m/s and 9 m/s, in a situation where we need an average rate in order to answer a question. Within this context, averaging the 2 rates was an appropriate tactic.

You need to make note of anything in the given solution that you didn't understand when you solved the problem. If new ideas have been introduced in the solution, you need to note them. If you notice an error in your own thinking then you need to note that. In your own words, explain anything you didn't already understand and save your response as Notes.



I wasn't sure why we do in now but I know see that it is because we were given two rates and we needed an average rate to answer the question.

confidence assessment: 3




Very good work. Let me know if you have questions. &#