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TIMER program ___ what is the

The smallest reported interval is 0.00025 which was found between .1565 and .15625. A list of all reported intervals between .12 and .19 follows. Based on this data, we might expect the timer to be capable of reporting every other .00025 interval in this range, but only 14 repeating intervals were found, suggesting that the timer may only be reliable to within .001.
















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Pearl Pendulum Amplitude Depen

As I concluded during my experiment, because the time interval between subsequent swings remains nearly equal until the pendulum comes to rest, even though the amplitude of the swing decreases each time, it appears to support the hypothesis that the length of a pendulum's swing depends only on its length and is independent of how far it actually swings. This was further verified by timing the interval from release until the first hit, which was shorter than the subsequent hits, owing to the fact that the interval is always longer during a complete cycle than during an interval that only begins at mid-cycle, even though the mid-cycle release was of the greatest amplitude. For completeness, a reproduction of my data follows:

Your report of 8 time intervals between release and the second 'hit':









Your report of 4 trials timing alternate hits starting with the second 'hit':

.531, .719, .656, .750

.625, .703, .656, .781

.531, .625, .640, .641

.562, .640, .625, .656


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Ball Down Ramp ___ is motion s

I begin with a reproduction of my data. The first five intervals were with domino on the right side. The second five had the domino on the left side:











The very near symmetry observed here attests that the left and right sided trials were symmetric. This is expected because in both trials, the ramp is subjected to an equal downward acceleration due to gravity because both slopes are of equal magnitude.


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Angular Velocity of a Strap __

The data for the longest rotation in my experiment follows:

15, .688, 1.00, 1.13, 1.61, 4.08, 1.66

From this data, we see each interval progressively growing longer, except for the last interval, which relates to less than one complete cycle. This supports the hypothesis that the angular velocity is constantly decreasing from the moment the initial force is applied to the strap until the strap comes to rest.
