Misc feedback

course phy202

Just to double check, the assignments page says: you will receive instructions as to which of the subsequent experiments to do. The choice will depend on your preliminary observations but will probably be #3. Your feedback on those preliminary observations didn't mention which subsequent experiment I should do, although I do have quite a bit of catching up to do first since I just got my lab kit.Also, for query 13, you reminded me: be sure you self-critique when there is a significant disagreement between your response and the given solution. I reviewed my answers and I think you were referring to: prin and gen problem 14.3: 2500 Cal per day is how many Joules? At a dime per kilowatt hour, how much would this cost? I responded: 2500*4186=1.05E7 J/(1000*3600)=2.91kW*h. About $.30. It seems the reason for the difference in our answers is that you used 1Cal=4200J, I used 1Cal=4186J which gave me 1.05E7 J vs. your 1.3E7 J.

Do go ahead and do #3.

The comment on your problem was probably inserted at the wrong point. You do a good job with self-critique.