course Mth 174 ŘÝн~yassignment #007
15:47:58 query problem 7.6.6 approx using n=10 is 2.346; exact is 4.0. What is n = 30 approximation if original approx used LEFT, TRAP, SIMP?
RESPONSE --> Error = 4.0 - 2.346 = 1.654 The left rule would be around 1.034 the trap rule would be around 1.000037 the simpson rule would be around Simp(30) = 2*MID(30) + TRAP(30) / 3 = -.000000007
15:48:17 If the approximation used LEFT then what is your estimate of the n = 30 approximation and how did you get it?
RESPONSE --> just showed it in the answer before this one
15:48:27 If the approximation used TRAP then what is your estimate of the n = 30 approximation and how did you get it?
RESPONSE --> Just showed it in the first asnwer of the question
15:48:42 If the approximation used SIMP then what is your estimate of the n = 30 approximation and how did you get it?
RESPONSE --> showed it in the first question hwere it asked this there too.
15:49:03 This problem has been omitted from the present edition and may be skipped: query problem 7.6.10 If TRAP(10) = 12.676 and TRAP(30) = 10.420, estimate the actual value of the integral.
RESPONSE --> being skipped
15:49:08 What is your estimate of the actual value and how did you get it?
RESPONSE --> skipped
15:49:13 By what factor should the error in the second approximation be less than that in the first, and how does this allow you to estimate the integral based on the difference in the two approximations?
RESPONSE --> skipped
15:49:22 a < b, m = (a+b)/2. If f quadratic then int(f(x),x,a,b) = h/3 ( f(a) / 2 + 2 f(m) + f(b) / 2).
RESPONSE --> skipped
15:49:27 How did you show that if f(x) = 1, the equation holds?
RESPONSE --> skipped
15:49:32 How did you show that if f(x) = x, the equation holds?
RESPONSE --> skipped
15:49:36 How did you show that if f(x) = x^2, the equation holds?
RESPONSE --> skipped
15:49:42 How did you use your preceding results to show that if f(x) = A x^2 + B x + c, the equation must therefore hold?
RESPONSE --> skipped
15:54:18 query problem 7.7.19 integrate 1 / (u^2-16) from 0 to 4 if convergent
RESPONSE --> integrate 1/(u^2-16) du from 0 to 4 lim b-2- integrate 1/(u^2 - 16) du = lim b-2- (-1) (u^2-16) = (-1/u-16) - 1/2 = lim b-2- (-1/u-16)
15:54:30 does your integral converge, and why or why not?
RESPONSE --> no it does not converge
15:54:42 If convergent what is your result?
RESPONSE --> my result was on the first part of this question
15:55:06 Why is there a question as to whether the integral does in fact converge?
RESPONSE --> because it is so close to converge it is hard to determine whether it does or not.
15:55:11 Give the steps in your solution.
15:55:25 If you didn't give it, give the expression whose limit showed whether the integral was convergent or divergent.
RESPONSE --> i showed it on the first part of this question.
15:55:46 query problem 7.7.44 (was #39) rate of infection r = 1000 t e^(-.5t)
15:56:31 describe your graph, including asymptotes, concavity, increasing and decreasing behavior, zeros and intercepts
RESPONSE --> the graph is going down which is concave down and it is decreasing at first and then going back increasing and it goes past zero at 3 and 6 on the x-axis.
15:56:53 when our people getting sick fastest and how did you obtain this result?
RESPONSE --> they are getting sicker faster during the months of winter and fall.
15:57:14 How many people get sick and how did you obtain this result?
RESPONSE --> there are about 200 people getting sick over all at this time
15:57:18 What improper integral arose in your solution and, if you have not already explained it, explain in detail how you evaluated the integral.
15:57:47 Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.
RESPONSE --> i really didnt understand the last question which was number 44 on the how many people were getting sick.