course Mth 174 Like i said in the work i sent to you just now i could not find the notes on any of the sections that i just worked on the CDs. I dont know if they didnt send them to me or what but they all work just not the right notes. I havent had any problems before but since i used the first two disks full of notes now i can not seem to find any CAL II notes on any of the disks.
23:45:52 Query 10.4.8 (was 10.4.6 3d edition) (was p. 487 problem 6) magnitude of error in estimating .5^(1/3) with a third-degree Taylor polynomial about 0.
RESPONSE --> well for starters we need to find the 4th derivative f^4 (x) = 0.5^(1/3) Abs (f^4(x)) less than 0.5^(1/3) = sqart 0.5 is less than 2 for -0.5 less than x less than 0.5 M = 2 abs(E3) = abs(f(x) - P3(x)) less than 2/4(x)^4 0.5^(1/3) = 1 - x^(1/3) + x^(1.5) + x^(2.1) + ........
23:46:21 What error did you estimate?
RESPONSE --> i estimated an error of 2
23:46:32 What function did you compute the Taylor polynomial of?
RESPONSE --> in the very first screen this is shown
23:46:40 11-07-2007 23:46:40 What expression did you use in finding the error limit, and how did you use it?
NOTES -------> in the very frist screen
00:05:00 explain how you proved the result.
RESPONSE --> I just followed the cos(x) therom that was shown in the book but just changed the signs cause sin is just the opposite of cos so that is all i did. Found that the series ended up being sin(x) = 1 + x^2/2 - x^4/4 + x^6/6 - x^8/8 + .......... for all x.
00:05:53 What is the error term for the degree n Taylor polynomial?
RESPONSE --> am very confused on this problem because i tried to get the notes of the CDs that were sent to me by the book store and i can not find these notes on any of the CDs. i mean all the CDs work but cant find the right notes.
00:05:56 Can you prove that the error term approaches 0 as n -> infinity?
RESPONSE --> ** For even n the nth derivative is sin(x); when expanding about 0 this will result in terms of the form 0 * x^n / n!, or just 0. If n is odd, the nth derivative is +- cos(x). Expanding about 0 this derivative has magnitude 1 for all n. So the nth term, for n odd, is just 1 / n! * x^n. In terms of the theorem for the error term, we see that none of the coefficients exceeds the maximum magnitude M = 1. For any x, lim(n -> infinity} (x^n / n!) = 0, because lim { n -> infinity} ( [ x^(n+1) / (n+1)! ] / [ x^n / n! ] ) = lim (n -> infinity) ( x / n ) = 0; the limit is zero since x is fixed and n increases without bound. This needs to be put together formally in terms of the definition of the error term. We get En(x) = M / (n+1)! * x^(n+1) = 1 / (n+1)! * x^(n+1) with M + 1, which as n -> infinity approaches zero. Since the error term approaches zero as n -> infinity, the series converges for all x. **
00:05:58 What do you know about M in the expression for the error term?
00:05:59 How do you know that the error term must be < | x | ^ n / ( n+1)! ?
00:06:01 How you know that the limit of | x | ^ n / ( n+1)! is 0?
00:13:38 what are the first four nonzero terms of the series?
RESPONSE --> for 1 / sqrt (1 + theta) is 1/ sqrt(1 + theta) = (1 + theta)^(-1/2) = 1 - (1/2)theta + ((-1/2)(-3/2)/2) * theta^2 + ((-1/2)(-3/2)(-5/2)/3) * theta^3 + ........ = 1 - (1/2)theta + (3/8)theta^2 - (5/16)theta^3 + ...... Now we substitute in sin(theta) in for theta 1/ sqrt(1 + sin(theta) = theta - (1/2)(-theta^3/3) + (3/8)(theta^5/5) - (5/16)(-theta^7/7) + it ends up being 1 + theta
00:13:43 Explain how you obtained these terms.
RESPONSE --> just did
00:13:51 What is the Taylor series for `sqrt(z)?
RESPONSE --> in first screen
00:13:59 What is the Taylor series for 1+sin(`theta)?
RESPONSE --> previous screen
00:14:03 How are the two series combined to obtain the desired series?
00:15:09 Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced
RESPONSE --> there were many surprises in this section. For one like mentioned before i could not find the notes for these sections. Havent had any problem before buti had to switch to another disk and i looked through all them and could not find the right notes for this. I dont know where they are or if i even have the right disk so i am kinda lost now. ????x???o????Cy????assignment #016 ??n??????g???~w???Physics II 11-08-2007
00:25:08 what is the fourth degree Fourier polynomial?
RESPONSE --> to look at the fourier polynomial in the fourth degree we look at these equations a4 = 1/pi f(x)cos(4x)dx from -pi to pi = 1/pi 1 cos(4x)dx from 0 to pi = 0 b4 = 1/pi f(x) sin(4x)dx from -pi to pi = 1/pi 1 sin(x)dx from 0 to pi = 2/4pi so the approximation is given by f(x) = F4(x) = (1/2) + 2pi(sin(x)) + (2/3pi)sin(3x) + (2/4pi)sin(4x)
00:25:11 Describe the graph of this polynomial on [0,1).
00:25:18 What substitution did you use to compensate for the fact that the period of the function is not 2 `pi?
RESPONSE --> shown in the first screen
00:33:32 Query problem 10.5.24 (3d edition 10.5.24) (was 9.5.24) integral of cos^2(mx) from -`pi to `pi is `pi
RESPONSE --> for starters we say that m does not = 0 and that k and m do not equal each other we start out by multiplying the Fourier series by cos(mx) where m is any positive integer f(x) cos(mx) = a0cos(mx) + sum (ak)cos(kx)cos(mx) + sum (bk)sin(kx)cos(mx) now we integrate it between -pi and pi it is the same above equation with just the integrals in there from -pi to pi and with dx and the end of all the sections of the equation so m does not = 0 the integral - pi to pic cos(mx)dx = 0 so we end up with f(x)cos(mx)dx from -pi to pi = am cos(mx)cos(mx)dx from -pi to pi = pi(am) m = 1,2,3........ in the following formula am = 1/pi f(x)cos(mx)dx from -pi to pi to get the bk value we multiple through with sin(mx) instead of the cos(mx) and come up with the equation bm = 1/pi f(x)sin(mx)dx from -pi to pi
00:33:40 which formula from the table did you used to establish your result and what substitution did you use?
RESPONSE --> on the previous screen
00:34:08 Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.
RESPONSE --> Not to many surprises in this section but still didnt have the notes but i learned most of it from the book and i felt pretty good about this section.