Phy 232
Your 'flow experiment' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Your initial message (if any): **
** Is flow rate increasing, decreasing, etc.? **
As water flows I would expect that the rate of flow would decrease.
** Is the velocity of the water surface increasing, decreasing, etc.? **
Decrease as the water moves out of the cylinder
** How would the velocity of the water surface, the velocity of the exiting water, the diameter of the cylinder and the diameter of the hole be interrelated? **
Well depending on how big the hole is depends on how fast the water comes out of the cylinder which would change the time it takes for the water to exit which in turn would change the velocity.
** Explain how we know that a change in velocity implies the action of a force: **
The force will be less as the water in the cylinder decreases so therefor the velocity will be less as well.
** Does the depth seem to be changing at a regular rate, at a faster and faster rate, or at a slower and slower rate **
The depth seems to be changing at a slower and slower rate as the water exits the bottom hole of the cylinder.
** What do you think a graph of depth vs. time would look like? **
Well it will start at the top of the left in the postive area and will decreas with the points getting farther apart due to the water slowing down when it exits the bottom hole.
** Does the horizontal distance (the distance to the right, ignoring the up and down distance) traveled by the stream increase or decrease as time goes on? **
The distance will decrease as the water exits the bottome hole.
** Does this distance change at an increasing, decreasing or steady rate? **
** What do you think a graph of this horizontal distance vs. time would look like? **
Well the distance will slow down as the time is increasing.
** The contents of TIMER program as you submitted them: **
I used my stop watch because I couldn't get the timer program under stimulations to work on my computer.
250: 0.00
230: 2.12
210: 3.60
190: 5.86
170: 8.34
150: 10.98
130: 13.78
110: 16.77
90: 20.33
70: 24.37
50: 29.87
30: 37.87
** The vertical positions of the large marks as you reported them, relative to the center of the outflow hole **
Each was messured in Ft.
From Bottom hole: From Top Hole:
250: 8 250: 7
230: 7.4 230: 6.2
210: 6.8 210: 5.7
190: 6 190: 5
170: 5.3 170: 4.3
150: 5 150: 3.8
130: 4 130: 3
110: 3.2 110: 2.3
90: 2.5 90: 2.5
70: 1.8 70: 0.8
50: 1 50: 0
30: 0.5
20: 0
** Your table for depth (in cm) vs clock time (in seconds) **
250: 8, 0
230: 7.3, 2.12
210: 6.8, 3.60
190: 6, 5.86
170: 5.3, 8.34
150: 5, 10.96
130: 4, 13.78
110: 3.2, 16.77
90: 2.5, 20.33
70: 1.8, 24.37
50: 1, 29.87
30: 0.5, 37.87
** Is the depth changing at a regular rate, at a faster and faster rate, or at a slower and slower rate? **
The depth is changing at a slower and slower rate as the water exits the bottom hole.
** Your description of your depth vs. t graph: **
The graph starts out with the first point at the top left of the graph (in the postive area). The points start going down at a fast rate but then they start slowing down as they go down and also get farther apart than the distance between the first two points.
** Your explanation and list of average average velocities: **
250: 0
230: 133
210: 107.88
190: 89.49
170: 70
150: 52.03
130: 39.52
110: 25.5
90: 15.41
70: 8
50: 2.24
30: 0
You didn't include any explanation or units, but it looks like you divided positions by clock times. That doesn't give you average velocity; in fact that calculation is not particularly relevant to the analysis of motion.
It's clear that the water surface was never descending at, say, 133 cm/s, or even at 15 cm/s.
On, say, the third interval, answer the following questions:
What is the position at the beginning of the interval?
What is the position at the end of the interval?
What is the clock time at the beginning of the interval?
What is the clock time at the end of the interval?
What therefore is the change in position during the interval?
What is the change in clock time during the interval?
What therefore is the average velocity for the interval?
** The midpoints of your time intervals and how you obtained them: **
** Your table of average velocity of water surface vs. clock time: **
Time/average velocity
24.37/ 8
29.87/ 2.24
** Your description of your graph of average velocity vs clock time: **
The graph starts from the top right and works its way down to the bottom left
** Your explanation of how acceleration values were obtained: **
250=>230: 62.74
230=>210: 16.97
210=>190: 8.14
190=>170: 7.86
170=>150: 6.86
150=>130: 4.44
130=>110: 4.67
110=>90: 2.86
90=>70: 1.82
70=>50: 1.05
50=>30: 0.07
there is no explanation of how your results were obtained
** Your acceleration vs clock time table: **
Average Acceleration/Time
** According to the evidence here, is acceleration increasing, decreasing, staying the same or is in not possible to tell? **
The acceleration is decreasing and I think the acceleration is decreasing.
** **
Around an hour or a little more. Had problems running the time as the water exits the cylinder because I didn't have any help.
Your data look good, but your calculations of average velocities and accelerations don't appear to be correct.
Please see my notes and submit a copy of this document with revisions and/or questions, and mark your insertions with &&&& (please mark each insertion at the beginning and at the end).