Assignment 15

course Phy 232

My dad was suppose to mail my first test so I will check and see if he has done that! I took it along time ago.

A test must be taken in an approved proctoring situation and sent by your proctor, per instructions for testing.

I will however be glad to give you detailed feedback on that document, when I receive it.

Assignment 15 Ch. 16 Problems: 66,67,71, 7266. 2.00 MHz sound wave travels an abdomen and reflected wall of baby. Reflected sound is mixed with transmitted sound and 85 beats per second and are detected. Speed of sound in body tissue is 1500m/s. Calculate the speed of fetal heart wall at instant measurement is made.

200mHz= 200x10^6Hz or 200,000,000Hz

Number of beats equals the difference in frequency of 2 sounds= reflected=200,000,085Hz

Freq. of sound experience by heart equals FL=(1+vL/v)xfs=(1+vHeart/v)x2.00mHz (v=1500)

Sound bounced back=fs=(1+vHEart/v)=2.00mHz

New FL=(v/v-vs)fs= (v/v-vheart)x(1+vHeart/v)x2.00mHz


v/(v-vheart)x (1+vheart/v)=200,000,085Hz/200,000,000Hz=1.000000475






very good

67. Sound source operates at a frequency=22.0KHz. Speed of sound in water=1482m/s and Temp. 20 degrees Celsius.

(A): What is the wavelength of the waves emitted by the source?




(B): What is the difference in frequency between he directly radiated waves and waves reflected froma whale traveling toward the ship at 4.95m/s. Ship is at rest.

fL=(v+vL/wavelength)=(v+vL/(v/fs) or fL=(v+vL/v)fs=(1-vL/v)fs



(A): Show that Eq. (16.30) can be written as


16.30 Doppler effect for light=fRsqrt(c-v/c+v)fs

fR=fS sqrt (c-v/c+v)

fR=fS sqrt (1-c/v)/(1+c/v)

fR=fS sqrt (1-v/c)(1+v/c)


(B): Use the binomial theorem to show that if v<

This theorem specifies the expansion of any power (a+b)^m of a binomial (a+b) as a certain sum of products a^1B^1. (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2

(C): Radio signal f=243MHz. Engineer detects beats between the received signal and local signal f=243MHz. Beat f=46.0Hz. What is the speed of the air craft? C= 2.00x10^8m/s

Commonsense ballpark answer on which to base a modified solution:

46 hz / (243 mHz) is about 2 * 10^-6. Aircraft would perceive 23 Hz, so its speed is about 1 * 10^-6 c, where c is the speed of the electromagnetic wave (3 * 10^8 m/s). Aircraft speed is therefore around 300 m/s.


(A): Estimate the speed which the outer edges of Crab Nebula are expanding. Speed of light= 3.00x10^8 m/s.



= 3x10^8m/s(4.586x10^14Hz)/(4.586^14Hz)

= 3.01x10^8m/s

fR and fS are not the same; you didn't include sufficient information for additional comment at this time

(B): 949x365 days/year x 24 n/D x 3600 s/n x 3.01x10^8=9.008x10^18m

18.016x10^18 is the diameter

(C): 5 minutes of arc is 5/60 degrees or 5/60 x pi/180 radius= 1.4x10^-3 radians

Distance=Diameter/angle= 18.016x10^18/1.4x10^-3

= 1.29x10^22

your calculations for b and c appear to be mostly appropriate