The before and after lengths of the rubberbands like before we attached them to the string and measured the pulses and after we attached them to the string and found the pulses (once they were still attached in the same length in which we had found the pulses).
Like if we used two rubberbands I measured their length together before we attached them, and then we measured them once they were attached to the string and stretched.
When you came back into the lab you were supposed to measure the force on the rubber band at the lengths that occurred during the experiment. So only those lengths are important; the original unstretched lengths are not, though it doesn't hurt to report them. In any case you need to always be sure to clearly identify what you are reporting.
I am still unsure of where to even start with my data, can you lead me in the right direction?
You should include a complete report of your data. It doesn't take long, but it interrupts my train of thought to have to go back and look up what you sent me.
All I think I've seen is this:
Will you look over my lab and make sure I'm not missing out on anything, and if there is can you explain it to me.
Ok first of all I have three starts, finishes, and travel distances. start 10cm 9.9cm 10cm
finish 10.5 10.5 10.6
travel .5 .6 .6
I think by 'travel' you are reporting the differences in the lengths of the rubber band.
What you should be reporting is the length of the pendulum, how it was synchronized (e.g., every 'beat', every other 'beat', etc.), and the time of travel of the pulse from one end of the string to the other end and back.
The length of the string is also important.
See if you can give me a good, clear and complete report of exactly what was observed and a brief description of how.
This should include your observations of the rubber band tensions, made back in the lab.
The only thing left to calculate is the speed of the pulses. How can you use your results to find how fast the pulses were traveling?