Phy 121
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** Question Form_labelMessages **
major quiz
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For taking the major quiz all I have to do is go to the learning lab, tell them I am taking the major quiz, and then have them or myself print it out and sign it?
Be sure you have the link to print out the test. The requirement is that the test you take has to have been printed out within 10 minutes of having it signed. The staff knows the procedure and can help you if necessary.
We could go to the given link, http://vhmthphy.vhcc.edu/tests/#Physics 121, and do it for practice before taking the actual major quiz?
There is a link to a Practice Major Quiz in qa form, and you should do that before you work out another test, but having submitted the posted practice quiz you would be welcome to submit another, or a variety of questions from one or more tests.
And for the instructions on the test it says to take it without reference to text or outside notes.. so we could not take any notes on the uniformed acceleration equations, the metric system so we could take ft to meters and others? We have to memorize all?
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I read the instructions for taking a test, but do we just go to the learning lab to take the major quiz?
That's about it. See my notes above.