
course Phy 201

09-23-09 at 1230pm

cq_1_001Phy 201

Your 'cq_1_00.1' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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• Is the tape speeding up or slowing down?

• I think the tape is speeding up.

• Is the pendulum speeding up or slowing down?

• I think the pendulum is slowing down.

• Which speeds up faster, the tape or the pendulum?

• The tape speeds up faster.

• What is going to limit your ability to precisely measure the positions of these objects?

• The ruler is very short and not so clear. Its hard to watch both the pendulum and the tape at the same time.

• Which object did you choose and what were the three positions and the three clock times?

• answer/question/discussion:

• I chose the pendulum in video clip 1. My three positions and clock times were. 59.78 at 1 ft. 59.687 at 2ft. and 60.343 at 1 meter.

• If you did use observations of positions and clock times from this video, how accurately do you think you could determine the positions, and how accurately do you think you would know the clock times? Give a reasonable numerical answer to this question (e.g., positions within 1 meter, within 2 centimeters, within 3 inches, etc; clock times within 3 seconds, or within .002 seconds, or within .4 seconds, etc.). You should include an explanations of the basis for your estimate: Why did you make the estimate you did?

answer/question/discussion: I think that you could be very accurate. Not right on because it is difficult to determine the exact distance on the video. I think that within 1 meter it would be a few inches off. And at least 2 seconds if not more off. It is very difficult to stop the video in the exact position you would need to stop it at. I made this estimate because the pendulum is moving pretty quick and my reaction time is not the best.

• How can you use observations of position and clock time to determine whether the tape rolling along an incline is speeding up or slowing down?

answer/question/discussion: You can pause the video in several different position and check the time and the distance traveled to determine if the tape is speeding up.

• How can you use observations of position and clock time to determine whether the swinging pendulum is speeding up or slowing down?

answer/question/discussion: You can once again use different points in the video to stop the clock and record the distance vs the time to determine if it is slowing down or speeding up.

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30 min

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&#Your work looks good. Let me know if you have any questions. &#
