mTH 151
Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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I am highly confused as to when assignments are due. This is why you see me dorment for a while on this website. Is there something that you can provide that shows due dates or anything?
@& You might want to review the Orientation as you completed it. It's easy to lose track, with all the information that's new to you at the time you complete it.
Quoting from the posting entitled
on your access page:
Please describe what to do if you have trouble following any of the instructions:
**** Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line; the next line is blank and doesn't include the #$... prompt):
So far I feel like I have done everything correctly. I have tons of questions to ask but feel like they will be self-answered with the experience I gain from using the Forms and other tools available. If I have any questions, I understand how to submit them correctly
#$&* (Note that your response was to go into 'the next line'; your response will therefore be inserted before this line, not after. This is obvious when you're looking at the form, but if you've copied the form into a text editor it might be less obvious. Hence this note.)
Task: `q005. On the webpage for your course, click on Assts or Assignments (in some courses (e.g., Liberal Arts Mathematics I and II) the assignments are simply given by a table and there is no Assts link), then on Due Dates (in courses which use a table for assignments, the Due Dates link is provided a few lines above the table), and describe what you see there. Note due dates are updated by the first day of classes; until this update the Due Dates will be for the preceding semester.
Please respond with a statement detailing your understanding of the Due Dates page:
**** Your response (insert your response beginning in the next line; the next line is blank and doesn't include the #$... prompt):
The Due Date page gives us a list of assignments that are to be done and when they need to be completed. You can see exactly when the Tests should be administered. As previously stated above, the due dates are updated by the first day of classes.
#$&* (your response should have gone on the line above this one)
Task: `q006. Return to Assts, take a quick look down the page, and describe
The quality of your work to date appears very good. Try to catch up gradually over the next few weeks; if you have time, of course, it's possible to catch up more quickly than that.
Keep up your good work.