course PHY 121
A ball starting from rest rolls 11 cm down an incline on which its acceleration is 27 cm/s2, then onto a second incline 44 cm long on which its acceleration is 9 cm/s2. How much time does it spend on each incline?
11 * 27 = 297s
44 * 9 = 396 s
297 + 396 = 693s
The units of your first and second calculations would be cm^2 * sec^2.
The units of your second would therefore be cm^2/sec^2 + cm^2 / sec^2, and this would be the unit of our result.
You need to list the quantities v0, vf, `dt, a and `ds , and identify which ones you know for this interval.
Please do your best to identify these quantities, and submit a revision explaining your thinking. Even if your thinking isn't completely right, that will give us a basis from which to proceed.
Please see my notes and submit a copy of this document with revisions and/or questions, and mark your insertions with &&&& (please mark each insertion at the beginning and at the end).