As the water level decreases the rate of flow from the cylinder will decrease.
The velocity of the surface would decrease as the water level decreased thus making the velocity of the buoy decrease.
The faster the velocity of the water surface the faster the velocity of the exiting water -- if the water level is decreasing at a rapid rate then the water exiting the cylinder will be moving more rapidly. Since v=sqrt(2gh),we know that the height of the cylinder will affect the velocity of the exiting water. We learned in class that the pressure of the water on the surface and the water exiting the cylinder have the same pressure and using Bernoulli's Equation we know that if the pressure is constant then if velocity increases depth decreases.
Pressure equals force/area so force equals P*area. From Bernoulli's Equation if we have altitude, velocity and pressure - if velocity changes then either pressure or altitude must remain constant. If the depth remains constant then when velocity increases then pressure must decrease. V=sqrt(2gh) so we know that gravity plays a major part in accelerating the water from inside the cylinder to the outside of the outflow hole.
The depth of the water changes faster at the top of the cylinder and as the water level decreases the depth changes slower and slower.
Depth decreases as the time increases so the graph will be curved. the graph decreases on the y axis and approaches zero on the x axis.
As time goes on the distance traveled horizontally by the stream decreases.
This distance changes at a fairly steady rate but decreases at the end.
A graph of the horizontal distance vs. time would be fairly linear and decrease on the y axis as it increases on the x axis.
Our timer results are saved on a computer in class.
1.5 cm to 30 mL mark
3.5 cm to 50 mL mark 5.4 cm to 70 mL mark 7.3 cm to 90 mL mark 9.3 cm to 110mL mark 11.1cm to 130mL mark 13.0cm to 150mL mark 14.9cm to 170mL mark 16.7cm to 190mL mark 18.5cm to 210mL mark 20.4cm to 230mL mark 22.2cm to 250mL mark0, 22.2
1.86, 20.4 4.07, 18.5 6.17, 16.7 8.43, 14.9 10.88, 13.0 13.59, 11.1 16.58, 9.3 19.84, 7.3 24.14, 5.4 29.29, 3.5 38.55, 1.5The depth is changing at a slower and slower rate.
my graph of depth vs. clocktime is curved and starts at 250 mL on the y axis and decreases as the time increases to 38.55.
velocity is the average rate of change of position with respect to clocktime and in this case is mL/sec. velocity = change in position/change in clocktime or final mL - initial mL/change in t.
230-250mL = -20mL/1.86s = -10.75 mL/sec 210-230mL = -20mL/2.21s = -9.050 mL/sec 190-210mL = -20mL/2.10s = -9.523 mL/sec 170-190mL = -20mL/2.26s = -8.849 mL/sec 150-170mL = -20mL/2.45s = -8.163 mL/sec 130-150mL = -20mL/2.71s = -7.380 mL/sec 110-130mL = -20mL/2.99s = -6.689 mL/sec 90-110mL = -20mL/3.26s = -6.135 mL/sec 70-90mL = -20mL/4.30s = -4.651 mL/sec 50-70mL = -20mL/5.15s = -3.883 mL/sec 30-50mL = -20mL/9.26s = -2.159 mL/secwe used the timer program to obtain our time intervals - I am not sure what you are asking for here.
1.86s, -10.75mL/sec
2.21, -9.050 2.10, -9.523 2.26, -8.849 2.45, -8.163 2.71, -7.380 2.99, -6.689 3.26, -6.135 4.30, -4.651 5.15, -3.883 9.26, -2.159my graph of average velocity vs. clocktime is curved, with velocity decreasing as the time increases.
acceleration is the average rate of change of velocity with respect to clocktime. avg accel = Vf-V0/'dt. I am not sure if 'dt is the time we got from the timer or the difference in the times between the two intervals. If you could clarify this for me I will complete the form.
13:04:20 01-29-2006