est 3 questions

I have a few questions from Test 3

The first problem says -- Find the magnitude of the force between charges of .0006 Coulombs at (-7.008m, -4.005m) and .0004 Coulombs at (-9.01m, 8m) on the x-y plane. Find the direction of the force exerted on the second charge by the first, and the vector describing this force.

Should I use Coulomb's Law to solve this?

I worked a few problems similar to this but not exactly in the homework problems -- I am not sure how to find r if I use Coulomb's law.

r is the distance between the charges. Construct a triangle hypotenuse running from one point to the other, legs parallel to x and y axes, and use the pythagorean theorem.

The next problem says --

A beam consisting of 70 eV electrons (electron mass 9.11 * 10^-31 kg) is incident on a thin wafer of a crystal with layer spacing 2.4 Angstroms. Suprisingly we fing that the electrons, which are particles, are scattered in such a way as to form an interference pattern identical to that of a wave. What will be the distance between central interference maxima at a distance of 12 cm from the wafer?

This problem should not be on Test 3. It's a refugee from Test 4 and wouldn't be counted unless you got it right.