Assignment 1

course mth 163

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򃅐^}]assignment #001

001. `query1

Precalculus I



assignment #001

001. `query1

Precalculus I




Query Introduction to General Themes; Examples (no summary needed) What were some of the things in this introduction that you found interesting or surprising?



Though the depth decreased by increments of 10 cm the time intervals were increasing

confidence assessment: 3




** Continue to the next question **




self critique assessment: 3




Query Introductory Flow Experiment (no summary needed) Is the depth changing at a regular rate, at a faster and faster rate, or at a slower and slower rate? Support your conclusion.



As the depth decreased the water drained out more slowly.

confidence assessment:




** If you time the water at equal time intervals you should find that the depth changes by less and less with each new interval.

If you timed the depth at equal intervals of depth you should find that each interval takes longer than the one before it.


Either way you would conclude that water flows from the hole at a decreasing rate.

The reason is that as the water depth decreases the pressure forcing the water out of the hole decreases. **




self critique assessment: 3




What does the graph of depth vs. clock time look like? Is it increasing or decreasing? Does the rate of increase or decrease speed up or slow down? Does your graph intercept the y axis? Does it intercept the x axis? How would you describe its overall shape?



It looks like a fourth of a circle outline- lower left

Decreasing function

The decrease rate slows down

The y intercept is (0,90)

I don't have enough information to answer

A crescent shape

confidence assessment: 2




** The graph will start on the positive y axis and will decrease at a decreasing rate.

The shape of the graph is the left-hand side of a parabola that opens upward. The right-hand half of the parabola does not correspond to the flow. The lef-hand half of the parabola, which corresponds to the flow, gets less and less steep with increasing clock time, matching the fact that that the rate of decrease is slowing.

At the instant the containers empties, the water will be at the level of the hole. If depth is measured relative to the hole, then at the instant depth will reach zero. The corresponding graph point will lie on the t axis and will correspond to the vertex of the parabola. **




self critique assessment: 3


So far everything looks OK. Subsequent assignments will tell us more, but I see no cause for concern based on this assignment. Your answers are good and detailed and you appear to understand everything.

However you don't appear to have submitted the various qa assignments specified in the Orientation Part 8. It takes a few hours, more or less, to do those assignments. You should take an afternoon and do that.