course Mth 151 YjCĶ㰀}|assignment #003
13:27:39 Query 2.3.15 (Y ^ Z')U X, univ={a,..g}, X={a,c,e,g}, Y = {a,b,c}, Z = {b, ..., f} What is the set (Y ^ Z')U X?
RESPONSE --> U=(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) X=(a,c,e,g) Y=(a,b,c) (Y ^ Z') U X Z=(b,c,d,e,f) First you would perform the operation in ( ) which would be [(a,b,c) ^ (a,g)] = (a). After doing the ( ) you would then obtain your answer by completing the equation (a) U (a,c,e,g) = (a,c,e,g) confidence assessment: 3
13:32:34 **Z' = {a,g}, the set of all elements of the universal set not in Z. Y ^ Z' = {a}, since a is the only element common to both Y and Z'.**
RESPONSE --> The elements in Y = (a,b,c) and the elements in Z' = (a,g) because (a,g) are the only elements not in U. (a,b,c) intersection with (a,g) would be (a) self critique assessment: 3
13:41:46 ** a description, not using a lot of set-theoretic terms, of (A ^ B' ) U (B ^ A') would be, all the elements that are in A and not in B, or that are not in A and are in B Or you might want to say something like 'elements which are in A but not B OR which are in B but not A'. STUDENT SOLUTION WITH INSTRUCTOR COMMENT:everything that is in set A and not in set B or everything that is in set B and is not in set A. INSTRUCTOR COMMENT: I'd avoid the use of 'everything' unless the word is necessary to the description. Otherwise it's likely to be misleading. **
RESPONSE --> (A ^ B') U (B ^ A') would be the elements that are in A and not in B and the elements in B that are not in A so it would be the union of A and B. self critique assessment: 2
r}CⶔK assignment #003 003. `Query 3 College Algebra 09-16-2007
14:13:46 Query 2.3.15 (Y ^ Z')U X, univ={a,..g}, X={a,c,e,g}, Y = {a,b,c}, Z = {b, ..., f} What is the set (Y ^ Z')U X?
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
14:13:53 **Z' = {a,g}, the set of all elements of the universal set not in Z. Y ^ Z' = {a}, since a is the only element common to both Y and Z'. So (Y ^ Z') U X = {a, c, e, g}, the set of all elements which lie in at least one of the sets (Y ^ Z') U X. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment:
14:13:59 Give the intersection of the two sets Y and Z'
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
14:14:04 **Z' = {a,g}, the set of all elements of the universal set not in Z. Y ^ Z' = {a}, since a is the only element common to both Y and Z'.**
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment:
14:14:12 Query 2.3.30 describe in words (A ^ B' ) U (B ^ A')
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
14:14:17 ** a description, not using a lot of set-theoretic terms, of (A ^ B' ) U (B ^ A') would be, all the elements that are in A and not in B, or that are not in A and are in B Or you might want to say something like 'elements which are in A but not B OR which are in B but not A'. STUDENT SOLUTION WITH INSTRUCTOR COMMENT:everything that is in set A and not in set B or everything that is in set B and is not in set A. INSTRUCTOR COMMENT: I'd avoid the use of 'everything' unless the word is necessary to the description. Otherwise it's likely to be misleading. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment:
14:16:43 2.3.51 always or not always true: n(A U B) = n(A)+n(B)
RESPONSE --> It would not always be true because it would depend on what elements were in A & B. confidence assessment: 3
xPQë׀xqc assignment #003 003. `Query 3 College Algebra 09-16-2007
14:27:52 Query 2.3.15 (Y ^ Z')U X, univ={a,..g}, X={a,c,e,g}, Y = {a,b,c}, Z = {b, ..., f} What is the set (Y ^ Z')U X?
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
14:27:58 **Z' = {a,g}, the set of all elements of the universal set not in Z. Y ^ Z' = {a}, since a is the only element common to both Y and Z'. So (Y ^ Z') U X = {a, c, e, g}, the set of all elements which lie in at least one of the sets (Y ^ Z') U X. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment:
14:28:02 Give the intersection of the two sets Y and Z'
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
14:28:08 **Z' = {a,g}, the set of all elements of the universal set not in Z. Y ^ Z' = {a}, since a is the only element common to both Y and Z'.**
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment:
14:28:14 Query 2.3.30 describe in words (A ^ B' ) U (B ^ A')
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
14:28:22 ** a description, not using a lot of set-theoretic terms, of (A ^ B' ) U (B ^ A') would be, all the elements that are in A and not in B, or that are not in A and are in B Or you might want to say something like 'elements which are in A but not B OR which are in B but not A'. STUDENT SOLUTION WITH INSTRUCTOR COMMENT:everything that is in set A and not in set B or everything that is in set B and is not in set A. INSTRUCTOR COMMENT: I'd avoid the use of 'everything' unless the word is necessary to the description. Otherwise it's likely to be misleading. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment:
14:28:27 2.3.51 always or not always true: n(A U B) = n(A)+n(B)
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
֟ҥZwؐxR assignment #003 003. `Query 3 College Algebra 09-16-2007
14:43:13 Query 2.3.15 (Y ^ Z')U X, univ={a,..g}, X={a,c,e,g}, Y = {a,b,c}, Z = {b, ..., f} What is the set (Y ^ Z')U X?
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
14:43:30 **Z' = {a,g}, the set of all elements of the universal set not in Z. Y ^ Z' = {a}, since a is the only element common to both Y and Z'. So (Y ^ Z') U X = {a, c, e, g}, the set of all elements which lie in at least one of the sets (Y ^ Z') U X. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment:
14:43:38 Give the intersection of the two sets Y and Z'
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
14:43:43 **Z' = {a,g}, the set of all elements of the universal set not in Z. Y ^ Z' = {a}, since a is the only element common to both Y and Z'.**
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment:
14:43:49 Query 2.3.30 describe in words (A ^ B' ) U (B ^ A')
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
14:43:54 ** a description, not using a lot of set-theoretic terms, of (A ^ B' ) U (B ^ A') would be, all the elements that are in A and not in B, or that are not in A and are in B Or you might want to say something like 'elements which are in A but not B OR which are in B but not A'. STUDENT SOLUTION WITH INSTRUCTOR COMMENT:everything that is in set A and not in set B or everything that is in set B and is not in set A. INSTRUCTOR COMMENT: I'd avoid the use of 'everything' unless the word is necessary to the description. Otherwise it's likely to be misleading. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment:
14:43:59 2.3.51 always or not always true: n(A U B) = n(A)+n(B)
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
14:50:30 2.3.72 A = {3,6,9,12}, B = {6,8}.
RESPONSE --> A X B {(3,6), (3,8), (6,6), (6,8), (9,6), (9,8), (12,6), (12,8)} B X A {6,3), (6,6), (6,9), (6,12), (8,3), (8,6), (8,9), (8,12) You distribute each element to all elements. confidence assessment: 3
14:51:47 Query 2.3.100 Shade (A' ^ B) ^ C
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
yG] assignment #003 003. `Query 3 College Algebra 09-16-2007
14:56:16 Query 2.3.15 (Y ^ Z')U X, univ={a,..g}, X={a,c,e,g}, Y = {a,b,c}, Z = {b, ..., f} What is the set (Y ^ Z')U X?
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
14:56:21 **Z' = {a,g}, the set of all elements of the universal set not in Z. Y ^ Z' = {a}, since a is the only element common to both Y and Z'. So (Y ^ Z') U X = {a, c, e, g}, the set of all elements which lie in at least one of the sets (Y ^ Z') U X. **
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment:
14:56:26 Give the intersection of the two sets Y and Z'
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
14:56:29 **Z' = {a,g}, the set of all elements of the universal set not in Z. Y ^ Z' = {a}, since a is the only element common to both Y and Z'.**
RESPONSE --> self critique assessment:
14:56:35 Query 2.3.30 describe in words (A ^ B' ) U (B ^ A')
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment:
14:58:05 2.3.84 Shade A U B
RESPONSE --> All of A and B would be shaded becuase it would be everything in A & B. confidence assessment: 3
15:01:16 Query 2.3.100 Shade (A' ^ B) ^ C
RESPONSE --> All of the area except what is in A' would be shaded, all of B and all of C and the outside of A,B & C that are in the rectangle. confidence assessment: 3
15:04:11 Describe the shading of the set (A ^ B)' U C.
RESPONSE --> The shaded area would be the are would be everything that is in A and B that does not intersecpt and all of C even what intersecpts A and B. confidence assessment: 3
15:10:29 2.3.114 Largest area of A shaded (sets A,B,C). Write a description using A, B, C, subset, union, intersection symbols, ', - for the shaded region.
RESPONSE --> (A U B)' U (B U C)' U A confidence assessment: 3