question form

MTh 173

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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Describing Graphs:

Distance Students: As you have been instructed, you should have run the program q_a_initial_pbs.exe, which you were instructed to download into your c:\vhmthphy folder. You should have been instructed to do the Describing Graphs problems and send the SEND file to the instructor. If you have not done this, do so now.

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That assignment was on the assignments page for MTH 173. I found the prelim_q_a file and downloaded it. However, I cannot find the program q_a_initial_pbs file to download.

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I need to know where I can download the program q_a_initial_pbs.exe

You won't need either of those files. Those exercises were covered in your Orientation, and the instructions you read should have been eliminated from the Assignments page (and now have been). I apologize for the confusion.