rubber band calibration

phy 201

Your 'rubber band calibration' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Your initial comment (if any): **

** first line ruler markings, distance in actual cm between ends, how obtained: **

0 cm, 12.00 cm

0 cm, 12.00 cm

Those numbers are the actual distances between the end points of the rubber bands, rather than just the ruler positions given in the first line. I believe my measurements are accurate to the +-0.05.

** The basis for your uncertainty estimate: **

The basis is because the ruler actual measures to the 0.1, which means I am estimating the 0.01 place.

** Positions of the ends of each rubber band, actual lengths of each when the chain supports 1 domino: **

0, 12.02

0, 11.91

0, 11.62

0, 11.85

0, 11.55

0, 11.61

12,11.91, 11.62, 11.85, 11.55, 11.61

+-0.05 cm uncertainty

** Distances between ends when supporting 2 dominoes **

12.30, 12.10, 11.70, 12.00, 11.60, 11.80

Rubber band distances from end to end for each domino

** Lengths when supporting 4, 6, ... dominoes: **

12.33, 12.51, 12.24, 12.52, 12.25, 12.46


12.62, 12.21, 12.56, 12.76, 12.32, 11.85


13.11, 13.11, 12.92 12.98, 12.61, 12.42


13.55, 13.45, 13.28, 13.48 13.01, 12.65


** Your table of force in Newtons vs. length in cm for all rubber bands **

12.00,11.91, 11.62, 11.85, 11.55, 11.61


12.30, 12.10, 11.70, 12.00, 11.60, 11.80


12.33, 12.51, 12.24, 12.52, 12.25, 12.46


12.62, 12.21, 12.56, 12.76, 12.32, 11.85


13.11, 13.11, 12.92 12.98, 12.61, 12.42


13.55, 13.45, 13.28, 13.48 13.01, 12.65


** Describe the graph of your first rubber band **

The graph appears to be increasing at an increasing rate, then increasing at a decreasing rate.

The first rubber band is stretched the most. Then, each subsequent rubber band is stretched less and less the further down the line. end

** The tension force in your first rubber band at length 9.8 cm: **


** The length of your first rubber band when tension is 1.4 N: **

13 cm

** The forces at your observed lengths the 1st rubber band, as given by the curve, and the deviations of those curve-predicted lengths from the observed lengths: **

0.17, 0.35, 0.73, 1.03, 1.49, 1.87

0.02, 0.03, 0.03, 0.11, 0.03, 0.03

** The lengths predicted for forces .19 N, .38 N, .76 N, 1.14 N, etc. by the curve for your first rubber band; the deviations of your actual observations from these predictions: **

12.00, 12.10, 12.35, 12.76, 13.3, 13.58

0, 0.20, 0.02, 0.14, 0.19, 0.03

** The typical error you estimate when predicting force for a given length from your graphs: **

The values I reported in my table, because although they are not perfect, they are better than using a best fit line in this situation. I would say the uncertainty is +-0.05 because I used a y scale of 0.3 which is a quite a small scale and can be estimated more closely.

** The typical error you estimate when predicting length for a given force from your graphs: **

I would say there is an uncertainty of about +-0.03, because I used an x scale of 0.2, which means I can make a reasonable estimate and not be more than likely more than 0.03 off.

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3 hours

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Your work on this experiment is very good.