course MTH174 ??????????????assignment #002
20:55:52 query ch. 5.2 # 102 f(x) = cos(x), f(a) =1/4, find f(-a), f(a) + f(a+2`pi) + f(a - 2 `pi)
RESPONSE --> f(-a), f-1/4 f(a) + f(a+2`pi) + f(a - 2 `pi) f(1/4) + f(1/4 + 2 `pi) + f(1/4 - 2 `pi) f(3/4) confidence assessment: 3
20:56:51 What is the value of f(a) + f(a+2`pi) + f(a - 2 `pi) and how did you use the even-odd and/or periodic properties of the function to obtain your result?
RESPONSE --> 3/4, the + and - 2 `pi, cancels out confidence assessment: 3
20:58:31 How does the circular model demonstrate the periodic nature of the trigonometric functions? Be specific.
RESPONSE --> Certain points display how the functions are based on pi, and equalateral theroies confidence assessment: 3
22:46:12 How does the circular model demonstrate the even or odd nature of the sine and cosine functions? Be specific.
RESPONSE --> confidence assessment: 0
22:48:56 Can you very quickly sketch on a reference circle the angles which are multiples of `pi/6 and immediately list the sine and cosine of each? Can you do the same for multiples of `pi/4? (It's OK to answer honestly but be prepared to have to do this on a test, and remember that this task is central to understanding the trigonometric functions; if you've reached this point without that skill you have already wasted a lot of time by not knowing something you need to know to do what you're trying to do).
RESPONSE --> I'm 90% confident that I can. confidence assessment: 3
22:50:00 Comm on any surprises or insights you experienced as a result of this assignment.
RESPONSE --> I honestly can't explain the on question that I skipped, but I am getting an understanding of the functions. confidence assessment: 3