question form


Phy 121

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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Questions about Submitted Work

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My Submitted Work Page

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I recently noticed that a few of the assignments that I thought I had submitted were not shown yet. That, in addition to seeing that some of my turned in assignments had multiple copies within the document and multiple submissions, I was unsure if I was doing something wrong in submission and if you in fact have received some of the more obvious ones noticed by me.

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Specifically, I keep track of what work I have done by highlighting a digital copy of the assigned work on my computer and physically highlighting a printed version of the same. I have not went back to ensure that all of my submissions are showing, but did notice a few of the Open QA and Open Query assignments that are not showing. What I thought I had submitted was both the Open QA and Query for 14 and 15 and the Open QA for 16 and 17. I was waiting, thinking maybe that the just had not been reviewed yet, but I have seen that my work done just last week has been reviewed and these have not. If I need to go back through everything I have done to make sure I am caught up I can do so and resubmit whatever I do not see. I should be caught up, for the most part, on my assignments and am only behind in my experiments.

If I do not go back through and check this, at the end of the course, if we are lacking any documents are we notified, or is this our responsibility to keep up with. I have assumed it is our responsibility and have kept copies of everything, but I am just curious before I spend too much time going back through everything.

self-critique #$&*

#$&* self-critique

self-critique rating

rating #$&*:

@& I've checked and something is certainly amiss in the postings, starting with 10/20 and possibly before.

I'll have to check into these files. It won't be difficult to correct the errors, at least as far as posting the files that aren't posted.

With the information you've given me it should be easy to locate and post the missing files. I believe I have seen them and critiqued them; something simply went wrong with the posting process (my error, since I'm totally responsible for this part of the system).

If your work isn't posted within a couple of days, let me know.*@