Your 'cq_1_01.2' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
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The problem:
Answer the following:
How accurately do you think you can measure the time between two events using the TIMER program?
It would depend on the length of time between the two events. If it is a long time, then I think I would be relatively accurate; however, if it was a short time, then I think I would be much less accurate.
What is the shortest time interval you think you would be able to measure with reasonable accuracy?
The timer measures in 1/64 of a second increments. I found that my finger could mover about that fast. However, with the first timer investigation my brain did not have to register the beginning and end of an event ( I was just going as fast as possible). I don’t know what the lag time is between my brain registering the event and when my finger would click on the mouse, but I will guess about the same amount of time that it takes for my finger to click on the mouse. If an event starts and my brain registers 1/64 of a sec later and then I click on the mouse 1/64 secs later and the event ends and I register the end 1/64 sec later and click on the mouse 1/64 sec later then the whole process would be 1/64 * 4 = 0.0625 sec. That just doesn’t seem possible, it seems too quick for me to respond accurately, therefore I am going to go with my instinct instead of logic and say 1 sec.
How does the percent error in timing intervals change as the time between the events gets smaller?
The percent error in timing would increase as the time between events gets smaller. If I was off by 1 second during a 10 second interval then the percentage is 10%. But if I am off by 1 second during a 1000 second interval then the percentage is only 0.1%.
How accurately are you able to measure the positions of the ball and the pendulum in the initial video?
Not very accurately at all. The picture was blurry causing difficulty with seeing a measurement. The pendulum was in front of the ball, blocking the view at times, and it happens so fast that my finger couldn’t stop the film fast enough to measure beginning and ending.
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20 mins
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Very good work. Let me know if you have questions.