query 35

course phy 121

??[?????Z????|9w??assignment #035???????????

Physics I




Query introductory problem set 9, #'s 12-17 How do we find the mass of a simple harmonic oscillator if we know the restoring force constant k and how long it takes to complete a cycle?



We convert how long it takes to complete a cycle to angular frequency. I do it by finding how many cycles in one second and then multiplying by 2 pi radians. I think this is the long way, but it makes sense to me. Then I find the square root of k and divided it by omega. I square this answer to find mass. I know all of this could be simplified, but it works and I understand it.




We know the basic relationship omega = sqrt(k/m), which we can solve to get m = omega^2 * k. We are given k, so if we know omega we can easily find m. We know how long it takes to complete a cycle so we can find the angular frequency omega:

From the time to complete a cycle we find the frequency, which is the reciprocal of the time required. From frequency we find angular frequency omega, using the fact that 1 complete cycle corresponds to 2 pi radians.






If we know the mass and length of a pendulum how can we find its restoring force constant (assuming displacements x much less than pendulum length)?



I had trouble with problem 15 which I think this one is similar to. The displace to length equaling 1/10 so restoring force being 1/10 of weight really confused me. However, when I look at the formulas I found one that fits quite nicely. k = mg/L That pretty much does it. we know mass, length and gravitational acceleration, so we can easily calculate k.




For small displacement from equilibrium vector resolution of the forces tells us that the x component of tension in the same proportion to tension as the displacement x to the length L:

x / L

Since for small angles the tension is very nearly equal to the weight mg of the pendulum this gives us

Tx / m g = x / L so that

Tx = (m g / L) * x.

Since Tx is the restoring force tending to pull the pendulum back toward equilibrium we have

restoring force = k * x

for k = m g / L. So the restoring force constant is m g / L.



I was right, but that doesn't mean much. I have some work left to do!




Query Add comments on any surprises or insights you experienced






as a result of this assignment.




You appear to be in pretty good shape here.