ball down ramp

PHY 121

Your 'ball down ramp' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Your general comment **

** Will a steeper ramp give greater or lesser time? **

I think the time required will be least for the steepest ramp.

** As slopes increases will time intervals increase, decrease or show no pattern? **

I expect the time intervals to be decreasing.

** Your report of 5 trials each way for 1 domino **

7 370.7422 1.207

9 384.5117 1.336

11 396.6406 1.379

13 410.9805 1.285

15 423 1.289

21 716.7266 2.336

23 726.1211 2.059

27 761.3828 2.512

29 777.6172 2.258

31 793.457 2.305

My data represents the time it took for the ball to travel down the ramp; the first 5 intervals were from the ball traveling left to right, the next 5 were from travel from right to left.

** Your report of 5 trials each way for 2 dominoes **

I was thinking carefully about making sure I was coordinating between releasing the domino and clicking the timer, and that the setup was the same every time.

4 1799.055 1.016

6 1811.648 1.051

8 1827.098 1.059

10 1846 1.016

12 1856.352 .992

14 1960.266 1.402

16 1976.535 1.293

18 1990.688 1.406

20 2009.734 1.285

22 2028.246 1.285

My data represents the time it took for the ball to travel down the ramp in 10 different trials. It was collected by observing ten trials, exactly as the above set of data except with 2 dominoes as a base instead of one.

** Your report of 5 trials each way for 3 dominoes **

2 2278.527 .863

4 2295.879 .832

6 2310.512 .793

9 2336.484 .871

11 2362.359 .875

13 2556.926 .918

15 2569.32 .898

17 2578.809 1.016

19 2588.703 .902

21 2601.871 1.023

** Do your results support or fail to support your hypothesis about increasing or decreasing times? **

My results DO support the hypotheses I stated previously; the time intervals decreased as the slope increased.

** How do you think ave velocity is related to slope? **

The average velocity of the system will increase as the slope's angle increases. If the time decreases, this means the velocity is increasing, so the average velocity will also reflect that.

** Speculate on why ave velocity changes with slope. **

I would say that the increase in angle allows the ball to start with more force on it just from gravity; the weight of the ball matters more the higher off of the table it is.

** How could you test your speculations? **

You could repeat the experiment with different sized balls and measure a wider rang of angles. This can also be exhibited by the fact that, if the track is placed at a negative angle to the table (so that the highest point is table-level and the ramp points towards the ground), the ball cannot travel upward because of gravitational pull.

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1 hour

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&#Very good responses. Let me know if you have questions. &#