Phy 231
Your 'energy conversion 1' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.
** Your optional message or comment: **
** How far and through what angle did the block displace on a single trial, with rubber band tension equal to the weight of two dominoes? **
1, 0
The rubber band was stretched to 7.2cm but only moved the block 1 cm. I made sure the string connected the block in the middle so the block didn’t rotate as it moved. The second number is the number of degrees the block rotated.
** 5 trials, distance in cm then rotation in degrees, with rubber band tension equal to the weight of two dominoes: **
.5, 0
1, 0
1, 0
.5, 0
The first number in each line is the number of cm the block moved when I stretched the rubber band to 7.2cm. The second number in each line is the number of degrees the block rotated. The string is right in the middle of the block, and I pulled the block straight so the block didn't rotate at all.
** Rubber band lengths resulting in 5 cm, 10 cm and 15 cm slides: **
7.5, 7.9, 8.5
These numbers are the length in cm that the rubber band was stretched for the block to slide 5, 10, and 15cm. The second numbers are the rotation in degrees of the block.
** 5 trials, distance in cm then rotation in degrees, with rubber band tension equal to the weight of four dominoes: **
8.2, 13
8.2, 7
8.7, 15
8.0, 5
8.0. 7
The first numbers in each line are the length the rubber band slid when I stretched the rubber band 7.8cm. The second numbers are the rotation in degrees of the block.
** 5 trials, distance in cm then rotation in degrees, with rubber band tension equal to the weight of six dominoes: **
12.5, 20
12.0, 17
11.8, 15
12.7, 22
12.4, 10
The first numbers in each line are the length the rubber band slid when I stretched the rubber band 8.1cm. The second numbers are the rotation in degrees of the block.
** 5 trials, distance in cm then rotation in degrees, with rubber band tension equal to the weight of eight dominoes: **
** 5 trials, distance in cm then rotation in degrees, with rubber band tension equal to the weight of ten dominoes: **
** Rubber band length, the number of dominoes supported at this length, the mean and the standard deviation of the sliding distance in cm, and the energy associated with the stretch, for each set of 5 trials: **
7.2, 2, .8, .2739, .30
7.5, 4, 4.88, .2949, 3.7
7.8, 6, 8.22, .2864, 9.4
8.1, 8, 12.28, .3701, 18.7
8.2, 10, 12.52, .2588, 23.8
The energy in each line is in N*cm. I took the N force gravity exerts on the dominos from the previous experiment and multiplied this by the average length of the slide of the block.
The force of gravity on the suspended dominoes corresponds to the force exerted by the rubber band on the block at its instant of release.
The force exerted by the rubber band immediately starts decreasing, and reaches zero when the rubber band goes slack.
Between release and this point an average force, which is about half the initial force, is exerted through a distance of at most a couple of centimeters.
After this point the rubber band does no more work on the block.
So it is not appropriate to multiply the initial force exerted by the rubber band, by the distance of the slide.
** Slope and vertical intercept of straight-line approximation to sliding distance vs. energy, units of slope and vertical intercept, description of the graph and closeness to line, any indication of curvature: **
2, 0
Newtons, N*cm
according to your graph, if you have the vertical and horizontal coordinates on the appropriate axes (sliding distance on vertical, energy on horizontal), your slope would be about (20 cm) / (10 N * cm) = 2 / N or 2 N^-1.
My points are in a curvature that suggests the best fit line is increasing at an increasing rate.
** Lengths of first and second rubber band for (first-band) tensions supporting 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 dominoes: **
5, 0
Newtons, N*cm
The points are clustered around a line that is increasing at an increasing rate.
** Mean sliding distance and std dev for each set of 5 trials, using 2 rubber bands in series: **
7.2, 7.0
7.5, 7.3
7.8, 7.7
8.1, 7.8
8.2, 7.8
** Slope and vertical intercept of straight-line approximation to sliding distance vs. energy, units of slope and vertical intercept, description of the graph and closeness to line, any indication of curvature: **
.9, .2793
3.3, .2966
6.7, .2702
10.5, .2121
11.5, .2966
** 1-band sliding distance and 2-band sliding distance for each tension: **
.8, .9
4.88, 3.3
8.22, 6.7
12.28, 10.5
12.52, 11.5
** Slope and vertical intercept of straight-line approximation to 2-band sliding distance vs. 1-band sliding distance, units of slope and vertical intercept, description of the graph and closeness to line, any indication of curvature: **
1.2, 0
no units, cm
The points cluster around the best fit line very well. The line is almost perfectly straight. There is no curvature.
** Discussion of two hypotheses: 1. The sliding distance is directly proportional to the amount of energy required to stretch the rubber band. 2. If two rubber bands are used the sliding distance is determined by the total amount of energy required to stretch them. **
Since this graph is so linear, then this experiment supports the hypothesis that the sliding distance is directly proportional to the amount of energy required to stretch the rubber band.
** How long did it take you to complete this experiment? **
** Optional additional comments and/or questions: **
I performed this experiment last semester, put it in a word document then forgot to turn it in.
Good, except that you didn't calculate your rubber band energies correctly.
See my commentary below.
energy conversion 1
Energy conversion 1 Commentary