
Phy 231

Your 'cq_1_22.1' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

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An airplane traveling to the northwest is exerting just enough force to overcome wind resistance. It encounters a sudden wind gust which is directed at 30 degrees south of east, which results in a net force in that direction.

• During the half-second before the pilot has time to react to the gust, does the airplane speed up, slow down or maintain constant (or very nearly-constant) speed?


Answer: I would assume it would slow down because there is a force acting on the force applied by the plane in the opposite direction.

On a coordinate system with y directed to the north and x to the east, the northwest direction would be at 135 degrees. The direction of the wind is 30 degrees south of east, which would be 30 degrees clockwise from the positive x axis, at angle 330 degrees.

A sketch will show that the wind is mostly in the direction opposite the airplane's motion, and will therefore exert a force which is mostly in the direction opposite motion. This will slow the plane.

• Does it veer a bit to the right, a bit to the left or does it continue traveling along a straight line?


Answer: I think it would veer to the left because it is initial traveling 135 degrees past horizontal and if a 330 deg past horizontal force acts on the plane, it will veer to the left because the two forces are not exact opposites of each other.

The wind direction is 330 degrees. The direction opposite the airplane's motion is 135 deg + 180 deg = 315 degrees. To get from 315 deg to 330 deg requires a 15 deg rotation in the positive, or counterclockwise, direction. To move directly 'into' the wind the airplane would have to head at 330 deg - 180 deg = 150 deg, which from the point of view of the pilot would be 15 degrees to the left of the 135 degree heading.

At the 135 deg heading the wind is therefore perceived to be blowing directly mostly in direction of the airplane's motion, but also somewhat to the right.

Thus the wind will slow the airplane and cause it to veer toward the right.

In terms of vectors, the wind makes an angle of 195 degrees, as measured counterclockwise from the original direciton of motion. The component of the wind velocity in the direction of motion is

wind component in direction of motion = wind velocity * cos(195 deg) = -.97 * wind velocity

while the component perpendicular to the direction of motion is

wind component perpendicular to direction of motion = wind velocity * sin(195 deg) = -.26 * wind velocity.