question form


Phy 201

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** Question Form_labelMessages **

Im not sure how to calculate

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`q002. On an Atwood machine, a net force equal to the weight of 6 paperclips accelerates a system of 10 dominoes at 2.5 cm / s^2.

What would be the acceleration of a system consisting of 4 dominoes subject to a net force equal to the weight of 10 paperclips?

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I know that you divide the acceleration / number of dominos to get the acceleration / domino but I do not know how to get from 6 paperclips to 10 paperclips and a change in the number od dominos also.

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I'm less concerned at this point about whether you get the right answer than how you think about the effect of decreasing the mass of the system. It's not hard to calculate the 'right' answer but I want to first consider the question of how different masses respond to the same force.

The following questions should help you make a reasonable attempt at solving the problem. Your answers to these questions will also help me understand how you are thinking about the situation, so when you answer the question in the original document, please insert these questions and your answers to them along with the rest of your thinking.

You have fewer dominoes, and since you have the same number of dominoes they are subject to the same force. Would this result in a greater or a lesser acceleration?

If you had half the number of dominoes with the same force, how would you expect the acceleration to change?

In this case do you have more or less than half the number of dominoes?

What is your best estimate of the resulting acceleration?
