question form


Phy 231

Your 'question form' report has been received. Scroll down through the document to see any comments I might have inserted, and my final comment at the end.

** Question Form_labelMessages **


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I'm just writing to confirm whether you got my form submission labeled PHY_231_-_lab_-_probe-based_labs_-_practice_exercises_-_follow-up_re_light_sensor_-_2 and submitted back on April 9.

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What I do understand:

- 1) I know that a) the work that I've submitted over the past few days has been very detailed, b) the part about the frictionful-oscillation assemblage was in many ways more interesting to someone who's already familiar with the theory behind everything, and c) my request about the testing was time-sensitive and required a lot of follow-through on your part, so I understand entirely if you haven't had time to review, let alone respond to, my second follow-up re: the light sensor.

- 2) However, I also note that i) my work review page (along with all others generated using the same template, I'm guessing) states that [r]esponses to [my] emails and to work submitted through the form will [be] posted, in the order received and ii) you've responded to some work that I submitted after I submitted the second light-sensor follow-up.

- 3) I did get a Form Confirmation of both that second follow-up and my submission using the Form Confirmation Backup.

What I don't understand:

- I'm worried about the possibility (certainly an off chance, but a possibility at least in theory) that you posted a response to my second follow-up re: the light sensor but that the system somehow ate that response.

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If you've already posted or tried to post a response to my second follow-up re: the light sensor, would you please repost it? If not (again, entirely understandably), would you please a) let me know and b) feel free to take your time in posting your eventual response?



I've got it. Somehow it, and a couple of other submissions by other students, got separated from the pack.

It should be posted by the time you read this.
