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Review of Answers to Timer Res

Student 1: Just because the program shows seven decimal places does not necessarily mean that it can record every interval to the seventh decimal place. To answer this question you must put the time intervals in order and find the smallest difference between those intervals. Then you can make an equation that reads .12 + (smallest interval difference)x. The first interval will therefore be .12 (x=0) then let x=1,2, etc until the result is greater than .19.

Student 7: In between the numbers you listed there are greater intervals than .002 and smaller intervals like .00025. I assume that these must be the list of intervals given. If so you can find the least difference between subsequent intervals. Next, to list all the possible intervals, you can use an equation to make a list. The equation can be .12 + (smallest interval difference)x. Use this equation until the result exceeds .19, start with x=0 to yield .12.

Excellent reviews, and very good advice to these students.

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Review of Symmetry of Motion o

Student 6: I agree, it should be symmetrical, but there is a lot of room for experimental error in the quality of the ramp, the level of the table, and the placement of the dominoes.

Student 1: Yes, the differences in the left/right time intervals were most likely affected by the lack of a level surface to perform the experiment. I agree with your hypothesis.

Again, excellent review.

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Review of Uniformity of Angula

Student 6: I agree velocity decreases but not at a constant rate.

Student 2: You are right the velocity is decreasing, but also note if you graph your time intervals, you can see that the change in velocity is not constant. The time internals are increasing at a somewhat increasing rate.

Excellent commentary, with which I agree.

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Review of Amplitude Dependence

Student1: It does make sense if the pendulum is sloped downward that it slows down and if it is sloped uphill it speeds up. You noted that this is the result of a surface that was not level. Also you may want to note that if all these factors were controlled if the period is related to the amplitude in any way or are they independent. They should be independent.

Student 3: The amplitude should be independent of the period. The period should only depend on length. You may have recorded different times from experimental errors such as a table that is not level.

Very good; however do note that the question is not whether the period should be independent of the amplitude but whether it is observed to be so. The regularity of the 'hits' when the pendulum is vertical is direct evidence of this; as the amplitude decreases, the rhythm very much appears to remain constant.